

Lys may refer to any of the following:

*The Lys River or Leie, a river in France and Belgium
*Lys (torrente), a stream of Aosta Valley in Italy
*Lys, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, a commune in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department in France
*Lys (département), a "département" during the First French Empire, nowadays in Belgium
*Lys, an old orthography of Liss, Hampshire, England
*LYS can also refer to a Local Yarn Shop for knitters or crocheters

*"LYS", the IATA Airport Code for Saint-Exupéry International Airport near Lyon, France

*Battle of the Lys, a World War I battle in the spring of 1918

* Lys is the name of a city in Arthur C. Clarke's book The City and the Stars.
* Lys is also the name of a city in George R. R. Martin's epic series A Song of Ice and Fire.

*Fleur-de-lys or Fleur-de-lis, a stylized representation of a lily or iris, used in heraldry

*"Lys" is an abbreviation for the amino acid lysine

*Jan Lys (c1590-1629), a German painter

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