

Svoboda, the Bulgarian, Czech, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian and Ukrainian spelling of the Slavic word for "freedom". In the Czech language it used to refer to "free men" (to distinguish them from "serfs") [ [ Czech Surnames] ] . It may refer to:

*Radio Svoboda
*Svoboda (newspaper), Ukrainian language newspaper in Jersey City NJ USA
*a previous name for the Russian town of Liski
*Svoboda Factory Club, memorial building in Moscow
*Svoboda, a village in Bulgaria
*2559 Svoboda, asteroid
*All-Ukrainian Union "Freedom" (VO "Svoboda") ( _uk. Всеукраїнське об'єднання "Свобода"), a Ukrainian political party
*NK Svoboda, former slovenian football club from Ljubljana


Svoboda is a common surname. Svobodová is a Czech and Slovak feminine form of the surname.
*Adam Svoboda, Czech ice hockey player
*Antonín Svoboda, Czech computer scientist
*Bill Svoboda, American football player
*Cyril Svoboda, former Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
*František Svoboda, Czech football player
*Ludvík Svoboda, former President of Czechoslovakia
*J. Steven Svoboda, US, genital integrity activist
*Jaroslav Svoboda, Czech ice hockey player
*Jindřich Svoboda, Czech football player
*Josef Svoboda, Czech stage designer
*Karel Svoboda, Czech composer
*Karel Svoboda, US, biology researcher
*Květoslav Svoboda, Czech swimmer
*Oldřich Svoboda, Czech ice hockey player
*Petr Svoboda, Czech ice hockey player
*Petr Svoboda (ice hockey b. 1980), Czech ice hockey player
*Richard Svoboda, US, Principal Bassoon of the Boston Symphony
*Robert Svoboda, US author
*Terese Svoboda, US author
*Tomas Svoboda, Czech-American contemporary classical composer
*Zdeněk Svoboda, Czech football player

ee also

* Swoboda for the Polish spelling
* Sloboda (disambiguation) for the Serbo-Croatian and Macedonian spelling


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