- University of Valencia
The University of Valencia (official name "Universitat de València") is a Spanish
university , located in the city of Valencia.The Universitat de València is one of the oldest and largest universities in
Spain , having been founded in 1499 and currently having around 60,000 students.There are three campuses:
*The Burjassot Campus houses the colleges of Biology, Pharmacy, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and the School of Engineering.
*On the Blasco Ibañez Campus the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Psychology, Geography and History, Languages, Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Nursing and, nearby, the School of Elementary Teacher Training.
*The third campus, Tarongers, houses the Schools of Law, Economics and Business, as well as Social Sciences.The University is committed to keeping and establishing links with universities world-wide, either through bilateral agreements or by taking part in international programmes and networks. Thanks to international exchanges, students from different nationalities and cultures live and work together at the Universitat de València.
The current chancellor is Francisco Tomàs Vert.
At the request of
Jaime I the Conqueror ,Pope Innocent IV in 1246, authorized by a Bull the establishment of "estudis generals" in Valencia. The University Statutes were passed by the municipal magistrates of Valencia onApril 30 ,1499 ; this is considered to be the 'founding' of the University. In 1501, PopeAlexander VI signed the bill of approval and one year later Fernando II "el Católico" proclaimed the Royal Mandatory Concession.Its foundation was due to the zeal of St.
Vincent Ferrer and to the donation of a building byMosen Pedro Vilaragut . Only very meagre accounts have been preserved of the practical workings of the university. From the time of its foundation the courses includedLatin , Greek, Hebrew, Arabic,philosophy ,mathematics , andphysics ,theology , Canon law, andmedicine .The closing years of the seventeenth, and the whole of the eighteenth century, witnessed the most prosperous era of the university, Greek, Latin, mathematics, and medicine being specially cultivated. Among the names of illustrious students that of
Tosca ,Evangelista Torricelli 's friend, noted physicist and author of important mathematical works, stands out prominently. Escolano says that it was the leading university in mathematics, the humanities, philosophy, and medicine. Large anatomical drawings were made by the students. Valencia was the first university of Spain to found a course for the study of herbs. Many of the Valencian graduates of medicine became famous.Pedro Ximeno discovered the third small bone of the ear. He was professor atAlcalá and had for a pupil the celebratedVallés .Luis Collado , professor of botany, made some valuable discoveries and carried on exhaustive studies of the plants of the Levant;Vicente Alonzo Lorente wrote works on botany; and the famous botanist Cavanilles was also a student of this university.In the seventeenth century the university divided into two factions, the Thomists and the anti-Thomists. The discussions were heated and aroused partisan feelings throughout the entire Kingdom of Valencia. The university possessed a library of 27,000 volumes which was destroyed by the soldiers under the command of General Suchet. Among the most noted professors of the university was D.
Francisco Peréz Bayer , a man of wide culture and great influence in the reign ofCharles III of Spain . Around the university several colleges for poor students sprang up: the first was founded by St.Thomas of Villanova in 1561 and then followed those founded byDoña Angela Alonsar , andMosen Pedro Martín . The most famous, called Corpus Christi, was founded by BlessedJuan de Ribera ; Philip II founded that of San Jorge; andMelchor de Villena founded the last in 1643.External links
Joan Lluís Vives Institute
* [http://www.uv.es/~webuv/ingles/index.htm Universitat de València English webpage] .References
* [http://sestud.uv.es/ects/i/i_universidad.htm Information Page]
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