- Vitellogenin
Vitellogenin (VTG or less popularly known as VG) (from
latin vitellus = yolk and gener = to produce) is a synonymous term for the gene and the expressedprotein . The protein molecule is classified as a glyco-lipo-protein, having properties of a sugar, fat and protein. Vitellogenin is anegg yolk precursor protein expressed in females of fish, amphibians, reptiles (including birds), and insects. In the presence of estrogenic endocrine disruptive chemicals (EDCs), male fish can express the Vg gene in a dose dependent manner. Vggene expression in male fish can be used as a molecular marker of exposure toestrogen ic EDCs.Vitellogenin and honey bees
Honey bee s deposit vitellogenin molecules in fat bodies in their abdomen and heads. The fat bodies apparently acts as a food storage reservoir. The glycolipoprotein vitellogenin has additional functionality as it acts as anantioxidant to prolongQueen bee and forager lifespan as well as ahormone that affects future foraging behavior. [ Oliver, Randy; Fat Bees Part 1 "American Bee Journal" August 2007 ] The health of a honey bee colony is dependent upon the vitellogenin reserves of the nurse bees - the foragers having low levels of vitellogenin. As expendable laborers, the foragers are fed just enough protein to keep them working their risky task of collecting nectar and pollen. Vitellogenin levels are important during the nest stage and thus influence honey bee worker division of labor.A nurse bee's vitellogenin titer that developed in the first four days after emergence, affects its subsequent age to begin foraging and whether it preferentially forages for nectar or pollen. If young workers are short on food their first days of life, they tend to begin foraging early and preferentially for nectar. If they are moderately fed, they forage at normal age preferentially for nectar. If they are abundantly fed, immediately after emergence, their vitellogenin titer is high and they begin foraging later in life, preferentially collecting pollen. Pollen is the only available protein source for honey bees.
Vitellogenin and juvenile hormone feedback loop
For the majority of the investigated insect species it has been documented that juvenile hormone stimulates the transcription of the vitellogenin genes and the consequent control of vitellogenin production (cf. Engelmann, 1983; Wyatt and Davey, 1996). [Engelmann F. 1983. Vitellogenesis controlled by juvenile hormone. In: Downer RGH, Laufer H, editors. Endocrinology of Insects. pp. 259-270. Alan R. Liss, Inc. New York.] [Wyatt GR, Davey KG. 1996. Cellular and molecular actions of juvenile hormone. II. Roles of juvenile hormones in adult insects. Advances in Insect Physiology 26: 1-155.]
The vitellogenin expression is part of a regulatory feedback loop that enables vitellogenin and
juvenile hormone to mutually suppress each other. Vitellogenin and juvenile hormone likely workantagonistic ally in the honey bee to regulate the honey bees development and behavior. Suppression of one leads to hightiter s of the other. [ Hrassnigg, Norbert and Crailsheim, Karl Differences in drone and worker physiology in honeybees (Apis mellifera) "Apidologie" Vol. 36 (2005) 255-277 ]It is likely that the balance between vitellogenin and juvenile hormone levels is also involved in swarming behavior. [ Zeng, Zhijiang; Huang, Zachary Y.; Qin, Yuchuan and Pang, Huizhong [http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-document&doi=10.1603%2F0022-0493%282005%29098%5B0274%3AHJHTIW%5D2.0.CO%3B2 Hemolymph Juvenile Hormone Titers in Worker Honey Bees under Normal and Preswarming Conditions] "Journal of Economic Entomology"98(2) Article: pp. 274–278; December 2004 ]
Juvenile hormone levels drop in honey bee colonies pre-swarming and it is expected that vitellogenin levels would therefore rise. One may surmise, that swarming bees would want to pack along as much vitellogenin as possible to extend their lifespan and to be able to quickly build a new nest.
* Wheeler, Diana E.; Kawooya, John K. [http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/109921587/ABSTRACT?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 Purification and characterization of honey bee vitellogenin] Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 1983-1995; Volume 14, Issue 4, May 1990
* [http://www.epa.gov/eerd/VGQPCR.htm Vitellogenin Gene Expression in Male Fathead Minnow as an Indicator of Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) in an Aquatic Environment] 2006. at EPA.gov
*Amdam, G. V.; Norberg, K.; Omholt, S. W.; Kryger, P.; Lourenço, A. P.; Bitondi, M. M. G.; Simões, Z. L. P. [http://www.springerlink.com/content/p534u0164n37877v/ Higher vitellogenin concentrations in honey bee workers may be an adaptation to life in temperate climates] "Insectes Sociaux" Volume 52, Number 4 / November, 2005
* Seehuus, Siri-Christine; Norberg, Kari; Gimsa, Ulrike; Krekling, Trygve and Amdam, Gro V. [http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/103/4/962.pdf Reproductive protein protects functionally sterile honey bee workers from oxidative stress] PNAS, Vol.103 No.4; January 24, 2006
* Nelson, C. Mindy; Ihle, Kate E.; Fondrk, M. Kim; Page Jr., Robert E.; Amdam, Gro V. [http://biology.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=get-document&doi=10.1371/journal.pbio.0050062&ct=1 The Gene vitellogenin Has Multiple Coordinating Effects on Social Organization] "PLoS Biology" Vol. 5, No. 3 March 6, 2007
* Corona, Miguel; Velarde, Rodrigo A.; Remolina, Silvia; Moran-Lauter, Adrienne; Wang, Ying; Hughes, Kimberly A.; and Robinson, Gene E. [http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/104/17/7128 Vitellogenin, juvenile hormone, insulin signaling, and queen honey bee longevity] PNAS April 24, 2007 vol. 104 no. 17 pages 7128-7133ee also
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