

The word "vignette", from the same root as "vine", originally referred to a decorative border in a book. Later, the word also came to be used for a photographic portrait which is clear in the center, and fades off at the edges, and also short descriptive literature focusing on a particular moment or person. The other uses below are mostly derived from these:

* Vignette (graphic design), decorative designs in books to separate sections or chapters
* Vignette (packaging design), a decoration technique to add colorful customization, company logo or variable data to a presentation package. Typically vignettes are made of metal or a polymer material and digitally printed in 4 color process.
* Vignetting in photography, any process by which there is loss in clarity towards the corners and sides of an image
* Vignette (literature), short, impressionistic scenes that focus on one moment or give a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting
* Vignette (architecture), small views or pictures which display what's going on in certain areas of a drawing, and they can be rendered or sketched
* Vignette (road tax), a small, coloured sticker affixed to motor vehicles in some European nations to indicate road tolls have been paid
* Vignette (software), a commercial software content management system, records and documents management system, portal, and collaboration tools company
* Vignette (vineyard), a vineyard in viticulture
* Vignette (entertainment), a brief scene, skit or sketch; used in Vaudeville, on variety shows, comedy programs, adult entertainment, talk shows or certain children's television programs (such as Sesame Street, The Electric Company or Between the Lions and frequently found on the Disney Channel); a vignette could include footage of a "man on the street" on shows like David Letterman or Jay Leno, or a video clip shown on a professional wrestling program
* Vignette (immigration (UK)), a securely printed sticker containing a photo which is inserted into a passport by an immigration official and confers an immigration status upon the holder

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  • vignette — [ viɲɛt ] n. f. • 1280; dimin. de vigne, d ab. « ornement en branche de vigne » 1 ♦ Motif ornemental d un livre, à la première page (⇒ frontispice) ou à la fin des chapitres (⇒ cul de lampe). ♢ Ornement de papier à lettres (guirlandes, dessins,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Vignette — aus Ladies’ Home Companion (1901) Das Wort Vignette (frz. „Randverzierung“, „Abzeichen“; von vigne „Weinrebe“) bezeichnet ursprünglich eine Kennzeichnung der Rebsorte am Rand eines Weinbergs, beziehungsweise das Etikett …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vignette — Sf ornamentale bildliche Darstellung, Kontrollabschnitt per. Wortschatz fach. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. vignette (eigentlich Weinrankenornament ), einem Diminutivum zu frz. vigne Weinrebe , aus l. vīneus m., vīnea Weinstock , zu l.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Vignette — Vi*gnette (?; 277), n. [F. vignette, fr. vigne a vine. See {Vine}, and cf. {Vinette}.] 1. (Arch.) A running ornament consisting of leaves and tendrils, used in Gothic architecture. [1913 Webster] 2. A decorative design, originally representing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vignette — 1751, decorative design, originally a design in the form of vine tendrils around the borders of a book page, especially a picture page, from Fr. vignette, from O.Fr., dim. of vigne vineyard (see VINE (Cf. vine)). Sense transferred from the border …   Etymology dictionary

  • vignette — ► NOUN 1) a brief evocative description, account, or episode. 2) a small illustration or portrait photograph which fades into its background without a definite border. ► VERB ▪ portray in the style of a vignette. ORIGIN originally also denoting a …   English terms dictionary

  • vignette — [vin yet′] n. [Fr, dim. < vigne, vine,VINE] 1. an ornamental design (originally one of vine leaves, tendrils, and grapes) or illustration used on a page of a book, magazine, etc., as at the beginning or end of a chapter or section 2. a picture …   English World dictionary

  • Vignette — Vi*gnette , v. t. To make, as an engraving or a photograph, with a border or edge insensibly fading away. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vignette — (fr., spr. Winjett), 1) die Rebe, Weinranke; 2) kleine Verzierungen in Holzschnitt, Kupfer od. Stahlstich u. dgl., welche an den Rändern der Seiten, zu Anfang u. zu Ende eines Buchs, Hauptabschnitts, Gedichts, od. auf Umschlägen von Broschüren… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Vignette — (franz, spr. winj ), Zier und Titelbildchen, Randzeichnung; ursprünglich bedeutet das Wort Weinrankenverzierung. Johannes Veldener (seit 1476) in Löwen und Utrecht wendete sie zuerst in seinem »Fasciculus temporum« an. Vgl. Artikel »Buch« mit… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Vignette — (Weinrankenverzierung), kleine Abbildungen von Ansichten, Figuren u.s.w., die auf Anfangsseiten, Titeln oder Rändern der Bücher zum Abdruck gelangen. Sie kamen seit Entwicklung des Buchdrucks in Aufnahme und wurden namentlich viel in Frankreich… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

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