Josef Páleníček

Josef Páleníček

Josef Páleníček (July 19, 1914, Travnik, Bosnia, Yugoslavia—March 7, 1991, Prague) was a Czech piano virtuoso and composer.


Orchestral compositions

*Concertino for orchestra (1945)
* Symphonic Variations on an Imaginary Portrait of Ilya Erenburg for large symphony orchestra (1971)

Concertant compositions

*Ist Concerto in C for piano and orchestra (string orchestra and timpani) (1940)
*IInd Concerto in E flat for piano and orchestra (1952)
*IIIrd Concerto for piano and small orchestra, for young pianists (1961)
*Concertino da camera in D for clarinet and orchestra (1957)
*Concerto for Flute and orchestra (1955)
*Concerto for Saxophone and orchestra (1944)

Compositions for chamber ensembles

*Preludium a Capriccio for violin and piano (1935)
*Suita piccola for violin and piano (1958)
*Variations on a Choral Song of the XVIIth Century for violoncello and piano (1942)
*Sonata for clarinet and piano (1936)
*Partita piccola for clarinet and piano (1943)
*Masks, two compositions for saxophone and piano (1957)
*Ist String Quartet (1954)
*Piano Quintet (1933)
*Variations on his own theme for violoncello and piano (1972)
*Rondo Concertante for violoncello and piano (1972)
*Trio Sonata for oboe, mezzosoprano and piano (1965)

Compositions for piano

*Sonata (1936)
*Piano Sketchbook (cycle of five compositions), (1939)

Choral compositions

*Songs to Chinese poetry for soprano and piano (ossia for baritone and piano), Czech translation of verses by B. Mathesius (1947)
*My Lai, for mezzosoprano and piano (1971)
*Blown Traces, cycle of men s choirs (1958)


*Song of Man, full-length oratorio for soloists, mixed choir and large orchestra, folk choir and folk soloists and children's choir (1960)

Instructive compositions

*Czech Fairytales (1940)
*From the Notebook of a Small Boy, 7 short compositions for violoncello and piano (ossia bassoon and piano, bass clarinet and piano) (1972)
*Abacus for children's choir, piano, trumpet, clari- net and percussion instruments (1973)

External links

*fr icon [ Extensive Biography site]

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