Ternary computer — Ternary computers (also sometimes referred to as trinary) use three valued logic in their calculations. History One of the earliest calculating machines, built by Thomas Fowler entirely from wood in 1840, was a ternary computer. The only modern… … Wikipedia
Ternary numeral system — Ternary or trinary is the base num|3 numeral system. Analogous to a bit , a ternary digit is known as a trit (trinary digit). One trit contains about 1.58596 (log 2 3) bit of information. Although ternary most often refers to a system in which… … Wikipedia
Ternary — (from Latin ternarius ) can mean:* Ternary complex, a complex formed by the interaction of three molecules * Ternary compound, a type of chemical compound * Ternary computer, a computer using a ternary numeral system * Ternary form, a form used… … Wikipedia
Ternary logic — A ternary, three valued or trivalent logic (sometimes abbreviated 3VL) is a term to describe any of several multi valued logic systems in which there are three truth values indicating true , false and some third value. This is contrasted with the … Wikipedia
Ternary signal — In telecommunication, a ternary signal is a signal that can assume, at any given instant, one of three significant conditions, such as power level, phase position, pulse duration, or frequency. Note: Examples of ternary signals are (a) a pulse… … Wikipedia
ternary — 1. adjective a) Made up of three things; treble, triadic, triple, triplex Perhaps the prettiest number system of all ... is the balanced ternary notation b) Arranged in groups of three … Wiktionary
Thomas Fowler — (born 1777 in Great Torrington, Devon, England ndash; died March 31 1843) was an English inventor whose most notable invention was the thermosiphon which forms the basis of most modern central heating systems. Much of the knowledge of Fowler… … Wikipedia
Numerical digit — The ten digits of the Arabic numerals, in order of value. A digit is a symbol (a numeral symbol such as 3 or 7 ) used in combinations (such as 37 ) to represent numbers in positional numeral systems. The name digit comes from the fact that the 10 … Wikipedia
Système trinaire — Le système ternaire (ou trinaire) est le système de numération utilisant la base trois. Les chiffres ternaires sont connus sous le nom trit (trinary digit), de manière analogue à bit. Bien que la plupart du temps, cela fait référence à un système … Wikipédia en Français
Signed-digit representation — of numbers indicates that digits can be prefixed with a − (minus) sign to indicate that they are negative. Signed digit representation can be used in low level software and hardware to accomplish fast high speed addition of integers because it… … Wikipedia