SRP may refer to:

In politics:
* Self-Defense of the Republic of Poland, a political party in Poland
* Serbian Radical Party, a nationalist political party in Serbia
* Socialist Reich Party ("Sozialistische Reichspartei"), a far-right political party in post-war West Germany, banned in 1952.

In commerce:
* Salt River Project, a prominent utilities provider in Arizona
* Suggested retail price, the price the manufacturer recommends for a product (see also MSRP)
* Standard Rubber Products, a custom die-cutting and fabrication provider

In science & medicine:
* Signal recognition particle, in cell biology
* Standard reduction potential, one convention for quoting the value of the standard electrode potential
* Scaling and root planing, a dental treatment for periodontal disease
* Soluble reactive phosphorus, one of the biologically available fractions of phosphorus in water
* Stress Reduction Protocol - in dentistry
* State registered Paramedic, a pre-hospital care provider that is registered with the HPC (UK)
* Short Rotation Plantation - in Forestry

In computing:
* Single responsibility principle, a concept in computer science
* Secure remote password protocol, a protocol for authentication
* Server Routing Protocol, a network protocol used by the BlackBerry Enterprise Server middleware
* Spatial Reuse Protocol, MAC-layer protocol for ring-based packet internetworking
* Stream Reservation Protocol, reservation of network resources for specific streams across a bridged LAN which is being standardized by IEEE 802.1Qat
* Switch Route Processor, Juniper - module uses a private multicast channel through the switch fabric to update route tables on forwarding engines and issues updates only when changes occur
* Session Request Protocol, part of the USB On-The-Go (OTG) specification
* Stack Resource Policy, a resource allocation policy used in Real-time computing to prevent Deadlocks and multiple Priority inversion
* SCSI RDMA Protocol, Protocol for transferring SCSI commands and data between a SCSI initiator port and target port at an RDMA layer, i.e. Infiniband

Other meanings:
* Ship-submarine recycling program, a program of the United States Navy
* Summer reading program, a type of reading incentive program offered at public libraries
* The IATA airport code for Stord Airport, Sørstokken
* Sports Racing Prototype, an alternative name for a Le Mans Prototype race car
* SRP - Rihanna's production company. See also Carl Sturken and Evan Rogers

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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