- Pet Psychic
The Pet Psychic was a television program of an hour in length broadcast on the Animal Planet network in the United States. The show was co-created by senior broadcast executive Todd Mason. The program premiered on June 3, 2002 and featured Sonya Fitzpatrick as a psychic who claimed she could communicate with various animals including audience members’ departed pets. Subject animals included the normal cats and dogs as well as horses, various birds and farm animals.
The program was scheduled on Monday evenings beginning at 8:00 o’clock Eastern Time. The last regular airing of the program was on New Year’s Day, January 1, 2003. Animal Planet schedules no further broadcasts. [1]
As a young girl in England, Sonya learned early of her alleged unusual ability to feel the emotions and physical aches and pains of her terrier dog. One year her family raised three geese on their farm. Sonya became very attached to the fowls and believed she could feel their thoughts and emotions. When her father killed the geese for the family Christmas meal, she realized that no one else in her family had the same attachments to the animals. She then decided to make every effort to ignore her alleged unique abilities. [2]
Around 1994, Sonya reconnected with her alleged psychic abilities and used her alleged telepathic skills to serve as a conduit for all types of animals. She attempts to use her alleged talent to explain pets’ behavioral problems and ailments. [2]
[1] -- http://www.tv.com/pet-psychic/show/14241/summary.html [2] -- http://www.sonyafitzpatrick.com/default.aspx
External links
* [http://www.theness.com/articles.asp?id=16 Stupid Pet Psychic Tricks] - by Bryan Farha, Skeptical overview of cold reading techniques used in the show.
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