Balance Point

Balance Point

name = Balance Point
title_orig =
translator =

author = Kathy Tyers
cover_artist = Cliff Nielsen
editor =
country = USA
language = English
series = The New Jedi Order
subject = Star Wars
genre = Science Fiction
publisher = Del Rey
release_date = Hardcover:
1 November 2000
1 July 2001
media_type = Hardcover & Paperback
pages = Hardcover: 333
Paperback: 384
size_weight = Hardcover:
9.5 x 6.4 x 1.2 inches
1.4 pounds
7.0 x 4.2 x 1.0 inches
6.4 ounces
isbn = Hardcover:
ISBN 0-345-42857-9
ISBN 0-345-42858-7
preceded_by =
followed_by = Recovery

"Balance Point" is the sixth installment of the "New Jedi Order" series set in the "Star Wars" universe. It is a science fiction novel written by Kathy Tyers and published in 2000.


The Yuuzhan Vong are marching through the galaxy and the planet Duro becomes a flashpoint of conflict. Leia Organa Solo is ordered to lead a diplomatic envoy from the New Republic to Duro to seek terms. From prior experience, she knows the Yuuzhan Vong will only accept their annihilation due to their machine-influenced culture, which the Yuuzhan Vong consider an abomination to their gods. She clandestinely leads a military force to Duro which stops the Yuuzhan Vong from advancing further into the galaxy, but fails to retake Duro.

Amidst the chaos, Jacen Solo is faced with a dilemma. At what point does the use of the Force become an act of aggression? The situation causes Jacen to turn away from the Force, but when the life of a loved one hangs in the balance, Jacen must come to a decision, or risk losing everything. Meanwhile, Mara Jade discovers she holds something special that change her and Luke's lives.

Representatives of the Yuuzhan Vong eventually tap into the galaxywide HoloNet and propose peace terms themselves. They will advance no farther, and instead they will demonstrate on Duro the success of their terraforming, but only if all the Jedi are surrendered to them.

Dramatis Personae

*Anakin Solo; Jedi Knight (male human)
*C-3PO; protocol droid
*Darez Wuht; admiral (male Duros)
*Droma; spacer (male Ryn)
*Han Solo; captain "Millennium Falcon" (male human)
*Jacen Solo; Jedi Knight (male human)
*Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight (female human)
*Leia Organa Solo; New Republic ambassador (female human)
*Luke Skywalker; Jedi Master (male human)
*Mara Jade Skywalker; Jedi Master (female human)
*Mezza; refugee (female Ryn)
*Nom Anor; executor (male Yuuzhan Vong)
*R2-D2; astromech droid
*Randa Besadii Diori; refugee (male Hutt)
*Romany; refugee (male Ryn)
*Tsavong Lah; warmaster (male Yuuzhan Vong)
*Viqi Shesh; senator (female human)

External links

*" [ Official CargoBay Listing] "

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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