Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Davao

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Davao

Infobox Roman Catholic diocese
Roman Catholic Diocese of=Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Davao
Latin name of diocese=Dioecesis Davaensis

caption=Seal of the Archdiocese of Davao
location=Davao City, Philippines
territory=Davao, Island Garden City of Samal, and Talaingod municipality
rite=Roman Rite
patron=Saint Peter
established=June 29, 1970
cathedral=San Pedro Cathedral Parish
pope=Benedict XVI
metropolitan=Fernando R. CapallaArchbishop of Davao
coadjutor archbishop=
coadjutor bishop=Charles Van Den OuwelantBishop Emeritus
auxiliary=George Beluso Rimando

The Archdiocese of Davao is an ecclesiatical jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines. It is a Metropolitan See in the island of Mindanao. The Archdiocese comprises the city of Davao, The Island Garden City of Samal, and the municipality of Talicud in Davao del Norte.

Under its jurisdiction are the three Suffragan Dioceses of Digos, Tagum, and Mati - the capital cities of the three Davao provinces.

Brief history

The beginnings of the Archdiocese started with the arrival of the Augustinian Recollects in 1848 followed by the Jesuits soon after.

Its official beginnings came during its establishment as a Prelature Nullius in December 17, 1949 having the Archdiocese of Cebu as its Metropolitan. It was elevated into a Diocese on July 11, 1966 and eventually became an Archdiocese on June 29, 1970 taking as its titular patron St. Peter the Apostle whose feast day is celebrated also on June 29th.

The official name given to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction is "Archidioecesis Davaensis" and San Pedro Cathedral Parish as the seat of the Archbishop.

In December 29, 1954, Clovis Thibault, PME was appointed the first bishop of the Prelature of Davao. He was a priest of the Foreign Mission Society of Quebec. Succeeding him in December 9, 1972 was Antonio Lloren Mabutas, a native of Agoo, La Union.

Currently its Archbishop is Fernando R. Capalla, a native of Leon, Iloilo in Central Philippines. He succeeded the post on November 6, 1996.

Vicariates and Parishes

* Vicariate of San Pablo
**Ascencion of the Lord Parish (GSIS Heights)
**Our Lady of Lourdes Parish (Bangkal)
**Saint Francis of Assisi Parish (Maa)
**San Isidro Labrador Parish (Catalunan Grande)
**San Pablo Parish (Matina)
**Sto. Nino Shrine

* Vicariate of San Pedro
**Our Lady of the Assumption Parish
**Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish (Bajada)
**San Alfonso de Ligouri Parish (Mandug)
**San Pedro Cathedral
**St. Jude Parish
**St. Mary's Parish (Buhangin)

* Vicariate of St. Anne
**Our Lady of Fatima Parish
**Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish (Bo. Obrero)
**San Antonio de Padua Parish (Agdao)
**Sta. Ana Shrine Parish

* Vicariate of St. James, The Apostle
**San Miguel Parish (Panacan)
**San Roque Parish (Malabog)
**St. Francis Xavier Parish (Tibungco)
**St. James the Apostle Parish
**St. John the Baptist Parish (Lasang)
**St. Joseph the Worker Parish (Sasa)

* Vicariate of Sto. Rosario
**Immaculate Conception Parish (Mintal)
**San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish (Talomo)
**Sto. Rosario Parish (Toril)
**The Holy Family Parish (Baliok)

* Vicariate of the Immaculate Conception
**Birhen Dolorosa Parish of Babak
**Immaculate Conception Parish of Peñaplata (IGACOS)
**Sto. Nino Parish (Kaputian- Samal)

**Vicariate of the Sacred Heart
**Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish of Calinan
**San Francisco de Asis (Tagakpan)
**San Isidro Labrador Parish (Lumondao)
**San Miguel Parish (Marahan)

Religious Congregations the Archdiocese of Davao


* Alexian Brothers (CFA) []
* Apostles of Jesus Crucified Fathers and Brothers (AJC)
* Blessed Sacrament Fathers (SSS)or Sacramentinos
* [Brothers Of The Holy Family (FSF)] []
* Brothers Of The Sacred Heart (SC)
* Congregation of the Schools of Charity(CSCH) or Cavanis Fathers
* Congregation Of The Missionaries Of Jesus (MJ)
* Congregation Of The Most Holy Redeemer (CSsR)or Redemptorist Fathers and Brothers
* Marianist Brothers and Priests (SM)
* Marist Brothers for Schools (FMS)
* Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers(MM)
* Mission Society Of The Philippines (MSP)
* Oblates Of Saint Joseph(OSJ)
* Order Of Discalced Carmelites (OCD)
* Order Of Friars Minor Capuchins (OFM Cap)or Franciscan
* Order Of Saint Benedict (OSB)Bendictine Congregation of Saint Otielen
* Order Of Saint Camillus (OSC)or Camillian Fathers and Brothers [
* Quebec Foreign Mission Society (PME)or PME Fathers
* Rogationists Of The Heart Of Jesus] (RCJ)
* Salesians Of Don Bosco (SDB) []
* Society Of Divine Vocations (SDV)or Vocationist Fathers and Brothers []
* Society Of Divine Word (SVD)
* Society Of Jesus (SJ)or Jesuit Fathers and Brothers []
* Society Of Mary (SM)or Marist Fathers
* Society Of Saint Paul (SSP)


* Apostles Of Jesus Crucified Sisters (AJC)
* Benedictine Sisters Of The Eucharistic King (OSB)
* Carmelite Missionaries (CM)
* Carmelite Sisters Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus (CSC)
* Cavanis Fraternity Jesus Good Shepherd
* Clarisas Capuchinas Sacramentarias
* Congregation Of The Sacred Word (CSW)
* Daughters Of Mary Of The Assumption (fma)
* Daughters Of Saint Anne (DSA)
* Daughters Of St. Paul (FSP)
* Daughters Of The Heart Of Mary (DHM)
* Dominican Sisters Of The Trinity (OP)
* Franciscan Sisters Of The Immaculate Conception (SFIC)
* Hijas De Jesus (FI) Daughtres of Jesus
* Living The Gospel Community (LGC)
* Marist Sisters (SM) []
* Maryknoll Sisters Of St. Dominic (MM)
* Missionaries Of Charity
* Missionaries Of Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Sisters (MPS)
* Missionaries Of The Assumption (MA)
* Missionary Sisters Of The Immaculate Conception (MIC)
* Oblates Of Notre Dame Sisters (OND)
* Order Of Discalced Carmelites Sisters (OCD)
* Pious Disciples Of The Divine Master (PDDM) []
* Presentation Of Mary or Presentine Sisters
* Religious Of The Cenacle Sisters (RC)
* Religious Of The Good Shepherd (RGS)
* Religious Of The Notre Dame Of The Missions (RNDM) []
* Religious Of The Virgin Mary (RVM) []
* Servants Of The Blessed Sacrament Sisters (SSS)
* Sisters Of Charity Of St. Charles Borromeo (CB)
* Sisters Of Mary Immaculate (SMI)
* Sisters Of The Divine Vocation (SDV) []
* Sisters Servants Of The Holy Spirit Of Perpetual Adoration (SSpSAp)or Pink Sisters
* Sorelle Missionaries Dell'Amore Di Cristo (SMAC)
* Teresian Daughters Of Mary (TDM)
* Trinitarian Sisters (CSST)
* Workers Of Christ The Worker (WCW)

Archdiocesan Apostolates

*Apostolate Of The Sea (AOS)
*Archdiocesan Biblical Apostolate (ABAD)
*Archdiocesan Center For Ecumenism And Interreligious Dialogue (ACIED)
*Archdiocesan Liturgical Center (ALC)
*Archdiocesan Social Action Center (ASAC)
*Caritas Davao Foundation
*Catholic Campus Ministry Of Davao (CCMD)
*Center For Overseas Workers (COW)
*Davao Archdiocesan Youth Coordinating Council (DAYCA)
*Family And Life Apostolate (FLA)
*John XXIII Catechetical Center (JCC)
*Social Communications Apostolate
*Bishop Thibault Media Center
*Davao Catholic Herald
*DXGN-FM Radio Station

Archdiocesan Offices

Vicar General:-Bishop George Rimando-Msgr. Julius Tonel, STB, SLL

Chancellor:-Msgr. Paul Cuison, JCD

Judicial Vicar:-Fr. Nelson Lucas, STB, JCL

Episcopal Vicar for the Clergy:-Msgr. Martiniano Gorgonio

Episcopal Vicar for Religious:-Fr. Patrice Picard, PME, JCD

Episcopal Vicar for the Laity:-Msgr. Paul Cuison, JCD

Archdiocesan Oeconomus- Fr. Junar dela Victoria, STB, JCL, MPA

Secretary to the Archbishop and House Manager:- Fr. Jaime Gamboa STB

Pastoral Director:-Bishop George Rimando, DD

Catholic Schools and Colleges

*Assumption Academy of Penaplata, Penaplata, Island Garden City of Samal
*Assumption College of Davao, Davao City
*Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City
*Gabriel Taborin Technical School Foundation, Inc., Lasang, Davao City
*Holy Cross Academy of Sasa, Sasa, , Davao City
*Holy Cross College of Calinan, Calinan, , Davao City
*Holy Cross of Agdao, Agdao, Davao City
*Holy Cross of Babak, Island Garden City of Samal
*Holy Cross of Bunawan, Bunawan, Davao City
*Holy Cross of Davao College, Davao City
*Holy Cross of Mintal, Mintal, Davao City
*Our Lady of Fatima Academy, Davao City
*Rogationist Academy, Toril, Davao City
*San Pedro College, Davao City
*St. Peter's College of Toril, Toril, Davao City
*Stella Maris Academy of Davao, Davao City
*University of the Immaculate Conception, Davao City

Other Institutions

*Dominican House Of Prayer
*Nazareth Retreat House
*Rivier Retreat House
*Sacred Heart Brothers Formation And Spirituality Center
*St. Benedict Retreat House
*St. Charles Borromeo Retreat House
*TDM Retreat House


* Clovis Thibauld (Thibault), P.M.E. † - 29 Dec 1954 Appointed - 9 Dec 1972 Resigned
* Antonio Lloren Mabutas † - 9 Dec 1972 Succeeded - 6 Nov 1996 Retired

* Fernando R. Capalla - 6 Nov 1996 Succeeded - Incumbent
Archbishop Fernando Robles Capalla was born on Nov. 1, 1934 in Leon town, Iloilo province. He was ordained priest on March 18, 1961, and was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Davao by Pope Paul VI on April 8, 1975 . His episcopal ordination and installation was on June 18, 1975. The same pope appointed him as Prelate of Iligan on April 25, 1977 and he was installed on May 26, 1977. He became Bishop of Iligan when it was elevated to a diocese by Pope John Paul II on Nov 15, 1982 . He served as Apostolic Administrator of Marawi from Oct. 17, 1987 until 1991. On June 28, 1994 he was assigned Coadjutor Archbishop of Davao , and on November 6, 1996 , was appointed Archbishop of Davao. He was installed as third Davao archbishop on November 28, 1996. Archbishop Capalla is currently chairman of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences?Office of Ecumenical and Interreligous Affairs. He is also honorary president of the World Conference on Religion and Peace. Since 1988 he is a member of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. He is also a convenor of the Bishops-Ulama Conference from 1996 up to the present. He served as president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines [] (2003-2005) and led its various commissions's chairman of the Episcopal Commission on Interreligious Dialogue (1990-2002) and Episcopal Commission on Ecumenical Affairs (2002-2003), and vice chairman, of the Episcopal Commission on Interreligious Dialogue (2002 up to 2003). He also served as vice chairman of the National Unification Commission (1992-1993) and member of the National Peace Forum (1999-2000). His works on interfaith dialogue gained him various awards, such as the San Lorenzo Ruiz Award for Peace and Unity (1991), Ateneo de Manila University抯 Public Service Award for Peace (1998), and the Aurora Aragon Quezon Peace Award for Peace Advocacy and Peace Building (2000).

*Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General: Bishop George Beluso Rimando was born on Feb. 22,1953 in Davao City. He was ordained a priest on April 22, 1980 and appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Davao on March 4, 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI. On April 25, 2006 he was ordained as Auxiliary Bishop of Davao . He was installed on June 6, 2006 . He is currently member of Davao administrative and presbyteral councils, and pastoral director of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Office.

Affiliated Bishops

* George Beluso Rimando - Priest 22 April 1980; Auxiliary Bishop : 4 March 2006-present
* Guillermo Dela Vega Afable - Priest: 24 Apr 1976; Auxiliary Bishop: 21 Apr 2001 to 24 Apr 2002
* Patricio Hacbang Alo - Auxiliary Bishop: 14 Apr 1981 to 9 Nov 1984
* Alfredo Banluta Baquial - † Auxiliary Bishop: 2 Feb 1988 to 1 Mar 1993
* Generoso C. Camiña, P.M.E. - Auxiliary Bishop: 9 Mar 1978 to 20 Dec 1979
* Fernando R. Capalla - Auxiliary Bishop: 2 Apr 1975 to 25 Apr 1977; Coadjutor Archbishop: 28 Jun 1994; Archbishop: 6 Nov 1996
* Pedro Rosales Dean - Auxiliary Bishop: 12 Dec 1977 to 23 Jul 1980
* Antonio Lloren Mabutas - † (Coadjutor Archbishop: 25 Jul 1970; Archbishop: 9 Dec 1972 to 6 Nov 1996
* Juan Nicolasora Nilmar - Coadjutor Bishop: 1967 to 18 Apr 1970
* Juan de Dios Mataflorida Pueblos - Auxiliary Bishop: 29 Apr 1985 to 3 Feb 1987
* Clovis Thibauld (Thibault), P.M.E. - † (Prelate: 29 Dec 1954; Bishop: 11 Jul 1966; Archbishop: 29 Jun 1970 to 9 Dec 1972


"As of 2004"

* Total Population - 1,369,913
* Catholic Population - 1,109,498
* Diocesan Priests - 65
* Religious Priests - 63
* Male Religious - 110
* Female Religious - 352
* Parishes - 30
* Vicariates - 5
* Catholic educational institutions - 3 seminaries, 2 universities, 6 colleges, and 14 high schools

External links

* [ Archdiocese of Davao - CBCP Online] "
* [ Archdiocese of Davao - Catholic Hierarchy Website] "
* [ Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines] "
* [ Most Rev. Fernando R. Capalla, D.D., Archbishop of Davao] "

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