Karate kata

Karate kata

Kata ( or ) (literally: "form") is a Japanese word describing detailed patterns of movements practiced either solo or in pairs.Karate Kata are executed as a specified series of approximately 4 to 40 moves, with stepping and turning, while attempting to maintain perfect form.The practitioner is counseled to visualize the enemy attacks and their responses.Karateka "read" a kata in order to explain the imagined events.There are perhaps 100 kata across the various forms of karate, each with many minor variations.


Traditionally, kata are taught in stages.Previously learned kata are repeated to show better technique or power as a student acquires knowledge and experience.It is common for students testing to repeat every kata they have learned but at an improved level of quality.The student will perform one new kata and one or two previous ones, to demonstrate how much they have progressed.

The various styles of karate study different kata.Some kata may be known by two names: One in Japanese, the other in Okinawan.This is because Master Funakoshi attempted to rename many Okinawan kata to help Karate spread throughout Japan.

=Symbolism of 108 in kata=

The number 108 has mythological significance in Dharmic religions. This number also figures prominently in the symbolism associated with Karate, particularly the Goju Ryu discipline. The ultimate Goju-ryu kata, "Suparinpei", literally translates to 108. "Suparinpei" is the Chinese pronunciation of the number 108, while "gojushi" of gojushiho is the Japanese pronunciation of the number 54. The other Goju-ryu kata, "Sanseru" (meaning "36") and "Seipai" ("18") are factors of the number 108. [http://www.seinenkai.com/articles/108.html Hyaku Hachi No Bonno: The Influence of The 108 Defilements and Other Buddhist Concepts on Karate Thought and Practice By Charles C. Goodin. The article has appeared in Issue #7, Winter 1996-97 of Furyu: The Budo Journal.] ]

Other Buddhist symbols within Karate include the term karate itself, the character kara can also be read as ku, which originates from sunya, positioning at the beginning of kata resembles the hand position of zazen, and custom of the bow upon entering and leaving the dojo and meeting the sensei, as is done in Buddhist temples and Zen dojo.

Kata performed in various styles


ee also


External links

* [http://kata-reference.com Videos of many different karate kata from different styles.]

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