

Aladura is a religion founded c.1922-1930 in West Nigeria by various people, with around 1 million adherents worldwide.

"Aladura" means "Praying People" in Yoruba.

Churches known as Aladura churches emphasize the power in praying and believe in faith healing and various elements associated with Pentecostalism. Most of the founders of the churches were associated with Anglicanism, though some Methodists joined the movement as well. The churches despise the power of traditional African religion, because they deem that power to be basically malign. Therefore they sometimes burn cult images as "idols" and oppose both polygamy and witchcraft. Unlike Kimbanguism, the churches tend to avoid politics and focus instead on the "holiness movement."

Today, although most churches in Western Nigeria can be classified as "Aladura", especially the Pentecostals, there are four pioneering Churches, three of which are also called "White Garment" Churches. The four churches are:

1. Christ Apostolic Church

2. Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim

3. Church of the Lord (Aladura)

4. Celestial Church of Christ

The only non-White Garment church is Christ Apostolic Church, popularly called CAC.

Christ Apostolic Church

The first Aladura Movement emerged from St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria in 1918 after the Sexton, Ali, had related a dream to four Elders of the church, J.B. Sadare, E.O. Onabanjo, D.C. Oduga, and E.O.W. Olukoya. They started vigorous prayer sessions. In consequence, they initiated the "Prayer Band", popularly called "Egbe Aladura". After D.O. Odubanjo joined the Movement in 1919, they became influenced by the doctrines of Faith Tabernacle of Philadelphia. They rejected infant baptism and all forms of medicine, whether western or traditional. This led to a conflict of doctrines with the Angligan Church, and as such, they were forced out of the church. Mr Joseph Sadare was compelled to give up his post in the Synod and others were forced to resign their jobs and to withdraw their children from the Anglican School. The Aladura Movement began as a renewal movement in search of true spirituality.

A revival took place in 1918 during the outbreak of influenza epidemic. The group filled with the Holy Ghost used prayer to save many lives affected by the Influenza epidemic. This consolidated the formation of the prayer group. This movement grew gradually and formed branches throughout Nigeria. Also, the name of the group went through several changes, such as Prayer Band, Precious Stone, Diamond Society, and Faith Tabernacle, in that order until 1930. A great revival started in July 1930 by the raising of a dead body by Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola at Oke-Oye in Ilesa. People trooped from neighbouring cities and countries to receive healing at Ilesa. Several people were healed through the power of prayer and there were evidences of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The revival lasted about 60 days and it's still regarded as the greatest revival ever in Nigeria. Faith Tabernacle of Nigeria later invited the Apostolic Church of England in 1931 to form an Association which lasted till 1939. The Revival group went through several name changes until, after 24 years of its formation, it finally adopted the name Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) in 1942. Today, CAC has spread worldwide and definitely is the precursor of Aladura Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria. Visit [CAC website] at or The Church has established several schools at all levels, including Joseph Ayo Babalola University.

There are several other churches that stemmed out of Christ Apostolic Church in which CAMM [1] is one of them.

Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim

Moses Orimolade, who was later called Baba Aladura, or Praying Father founded the Eternal Sacred order of Cherubim and Seraphim society in 1925, also as a prayer group within the Anglican Church. Captain Christiana Abiodun his later adapted daughter fell into a trance from which Moses Orimolade, who was already an itinerant evangelist and teacher, was the only one who could awaken her. By 1928 they had left the Anglican church to become independent. Their most distinctive ministry was to openly ferret out and challenge witches on their long evangelistic journeys through the countryside. These long trips were typical of Seraphim (as they are most commonly called) evangelists and missionaries. Today the church is one of the most popular, most attractive and most influential of the Aladura churches worldwide.

The Church of the Lord (Aladura)

[] Aladura Power

Josiah Ollunowo Ositelu founded the Church of the Lord (Aladura) on 27 July 1930 at Ile Lisa, Ogere-Remo

Ositelu was born in 1902 to Dawodu Ositelu and Madam Rebecca Ejironike. His parents named him "Fakoya" at birth, however, Ositelu told his father he was "Oyelowo" and his baby brother should be called "Oyeleke".

Eventually, Ositelu became School Master Catechist at Orile Imo - Ishan - Erukute, Asha, Erunbe (Oko Egba).

Ollunowo Ositelu all his life used cold water to bath and drink, and never ate pork.

The First (Aladura: Ositelu) Disciples on 24 July 1930

Titus Olatunde, Joseph Aromuti, Benjamin Afolabi (from Faith Tabernacle Church, Ijebu Ode), Layide Akinyele, etc.

The first Tabborrar Festival was 10-22 August 1937.

Evangelism - (Cities Ollunowo Ositelu pioneered)

Ogere (the Fountain), Ibadan, Abeokuta, Sabongidda Orra (where the Hymn "Ati 'Segun de Isegun", and "Angel Ollusegun" derived - [i.e. "from Vic-to-ry unto Vic-tory"), Ijebu Ode, Aiyepe, Sagamu, Ijebu Igbo, Sobe, etc.

The Hymn derived from Mission to Sobe:"Lati 'hin de SobeLati Sobe de 'hinOgun Oso gbonaOgun Aje gbona"

"From here, way down SobeFrom Sobe, down way hereThe Withces Battles hotThe Wizards Battles hot"

Ositelu also went on Missionary journeys throughout Nigeria, Liberia, Ghana and Sierra Leone.

God endowed Ositelu with Great Powers and he served the LORD with zeal, dedication, enthusiasm, diligence, and ALL.

Ollunowo Ositelu demonstarted God's Powers through miracles, healing, the Gospel, victory and power over Satan and evil powers.

Owoade Adeleke Adejobi

Emmanuel Owoade Adeleke Adejobi succeeded Ollunowo Ositelu as the Head of the Church of the Lord (Aladura) on 7 May 1967.

During the Mount Tabborrar Festival on 22 August 1945, Ollunowo Ositelu read a message he received from God on Saturday 18 August 1945:

"Adeleke Adejobi is the Gbolahan (Torch Bearer) of the Church of the Lord Aladura"".

Ollunowo Ositelu also promoted and appointed Adeleke Adejobi Prophet and Apostle on the Mount on that day (22 August 1945) and most importantly, pronounced that "Adeleke Adejobi would be his successor".

In January 1966, presiding over the first International Churches Assembly at Ogere, Ollunowo Ositelu read again in his address, his vision of 18th August 1945, wherein God told him that Adeleke Adejobi was to be his successor. Ositelu also confirmed before the house his implicit faith, confidence and trust in Adeleke Adejobi, and declared him his successor.

Josiah Ollunowo Ositelu died in July 1966. May his Soul rest in peace - Amen and Amen.

On Sunday, 7th May 1967, Adeleke Adejobi was innaugurated as the second Primate of the Church of the Lord Aladura.

Owoade Adeleke Adejobi was a Spiritual Giant. His legacy is distinct, unique, and impacting.

Celestial Church of Christ

The Celestial Church of Christ (usually known as Cele) was founded in 1947 by a humble carpenter in Porto Novo, Samuel Oschoffa. It is the most popular, most attractive and most influential of the Aladura churches today, in part because of the winsome personality of Papa Oschoffa.


Reports are being heard from Nigeria that some pastors in the church perform rituals. This is based on interviews with former leaders in the church. They use visions and dreams to manipulate people and make almost anyone to do anything they want them to do. Africans have a high regard for visions and dreams so it's the main tool anybody especially a pastor could use to control individuals' lives. Rituals are performed in terms of going to take bath in a river. It's knownFact|date=April 2008 that 100% of celestial church of christ builings in Nigeria are located near a river, stream, sea or any natural water collection. To achieve control, violence could also be used. For example, to get someone suspected of practising witchcraft to confess, the person could be beaten with sticks and tied down.The church being a big church has lots of power and influence in Nigeria in terms of numbers of congregation, number of parishes, worldwide membership and high-ranking corporate and government officials that attend the church. Having high-ranking government officials in a congragation signifies power in Nigeria and high-ranking corporate officials represents money. Celestial has both power and money. It's not surprisingPOVassertion to see the power struggle of late 90's and early 2000's among the leaders because anyone that could be the head of such a world-wide organization has a lot at hand.


ee also

*Celestial Church of Christ
*Church of the Lord (Aladura)
*Christ Apostolic Church
*African Initiated Church
*Christ Apostolic Miracle Ministry

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