


It's a turkish doom metal band . In the year 2000 the band founded by Oguz (lead guitar and vocal) and Serhat (bass guitar)... The other members are Dincer (electric guitar), Can (drumms), Nalan (vocals). The first album of band "Kırmızı Kar" (Red Snow) coming soon in summer of 2008.

Offical web site is [ link title] .

Magilums (Ships of the death) were funeral boats used in ancient Sumer. İt is depicted as, " The last journey one must undertake" to the land of the death. As the sumerian pantheon was mostly based on an agricultural belief system, water was used as a passage to different planes and the gateway to the afterlife. İn the Gilgamesh Myth it was the funeral boat.

In Gilgamesh, it is quoted

"All living creatures born of the flesh shall sit at last in the boat of the West, and when it sinks, when the boat of Magilum sinks, they are gone; but we shall go forward..."


The Epic of Gilgamesh, translated by N. K. Sandars

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