Rokkaku clan

Rokkaku clan

The nihongo|Rokkaku clan|六角氏,| "Rokkaku-shi" was a Japanese samurai clan which wielded considerable power in the Muromachi period under the Ashikaga shogunate.

Rise and Fall

Founded by Sasaki Yasutsuna of Ōmi province in the 13th century, the name Rokkaku was taken from their residence within Kyoto; however, many members of this family continued to be called Sasaki. Over the course of the Muromachi period, members of the clan held the high post of Constable ("shugo") of various provinces.

During the Ōnin War (1467-77), which marked the beginning of the Sengoku period, the clan's Kannonji Castle came under assault. As a consequence of defeat in the field, the clan entered a period of decline.

Like other hard-pressed daimyos, the Rokakku tried to enhance their military position by giving closer attention to improved civil administration within their domain. For instance, in 1549, the Rokkaku eliminated a paper merchant's guild in Mino under penalty of confiscation. Then they declared a free market in its place. [Sansom, George. (1961). 'A History of Japan: 1334-1615," p. 300.]

The Rokokku were was eventually defeated decisively by Oda Nobunaga towards the end of the 16th century. [Sansom, pp. 278-279.]

During the Edo period, Rokkaku Yoshisuke's descendants were considered a kōke clan.Papinot, Jacques. (2003). "Nobiliaire du japon," p. 53.]

Rokkaku of Note

* Sasaki Nobutsuna, mid-13th century -- the first to take the name "Rokkaku". [see above] ]
* Sasaki Yasutsuna, 13th century -- son of Nobutsuna. [see above] ]
* Rokkaku Jakusai, 1348-1424 -- Yamato-e painter
* Rokkaku Takayori, d. 1520 -- fought in Ōnin War.
* Rokkaku Sadayori, 16th century.
* Rokkaku Yoshikata, 1521-1598 -- son of Sadayori; founder of Sasaki-ryū of martial arts.
* Rokkaku Yoshiharu, late-16th century -- eldest son of Yoshikata.
* Rokkaku Yoshisuke, d. 1612 -- son of Yoshikata. In 1562, he took on responsibilities in the administration of his father's domain. Later, he entered Ieyasu's service, and his descendants were ranked amongst the kōke. [see above] ]

engoku period house codes

During the Sengoku period, Japan's social and legal culture evolved in ways unrelated to the well-known history of serial battles and armed skirmishes. A number of forward-looking daimyos independently promulgated codes of conduct to be applied within a specific han or domain. Few examples of these daimyo-made law codes have survived, but the legal framework contrived by the Rokkaku clan remains amongst the small number of documents which can still be studied:
* 1567: Rokkaku Yoshikata issues "Rokkaku-shi shikimoku".Katsumata Shizuo "et al." (1981). "The Development of Sengoku Law" in "Japan Before Tokugawa: Political Consolidation and Economic Growth, 1500 to 1650," p. 102.]
* 1567: Rokkaku Yoshiharu re-issues "Rokkaku-shi shikimoku". [see above] ]


* Katsumata Shizuo and Martin Collcutt. (1981). "The Development of Sengoku Law" in "Japan Before Tokugawa: Political Consolidation and Economic Growth, 1500 to 1650." John Whitney Hall, ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
* Meyer, Eva-Maria. (1999). "Japans Kaiserhof in de Edo-Zeit: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Jahre 1846 bis 1867". Münster: Tagenbuch. ISBN 3-8258-3939-7
* Papinot, Jacques Edmund Joseph. (1906) "Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie du japon illustré de 300 gravures, de plusiers cartes, et suivi de 18 appendices." Tokyo: Librarie Sansaisha. [ ..Click link for digitized 1906 "Nobiliaire du japon" (2003)]
* Sansom, George (1961). "A History of Japan: 1334-1615." Stanford: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-0524-0 (cloth) ISBN 0-8047-0525-9 (paper)
* Turnbull, Stephen (1998). "The Samurai Sourcebook". London: Arms & Armour Press, 1998. ISBN 1-8540-9371-1 [reprinted by Cassell & Co., London, 2000. ISBN 1-8540-9523-4 ]

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