Branko Bošnjak

Branko Bošnjak

Branko Bošnjak (1923 - Zagreb, 1996) was Croat philosopher, member of the Praxis school in the former Yugoslavia. Bošnjak was Professor at the Zagreb Faculty of Philosophy and for a period a head of the Department for History of Philosophy and a dean of the faculty. He was a member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Major works

Bošnjak major field of interest were religion and history of philosophy. His major works are:

*"History of Philosophy as a Science" (1958)
*"Logos and Dialectics" (1961)
*"Philosophy and Christianity" (1966)
*"The Greek Philosophical Criticism on the Bible" (1971)
*"The Meaning of the Philosophical Existence" (1981)
*"Philosophy and History" (1983)
*"History of Philosophy" (1993)

External links

* [ Preface to "Philosophy and Christianity"] hr icon
* [ The Meaning of the Philosophical Existence] hr icon
* [ The Truth and the Trained Thought] hr icon

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