- Sprachregelung
Sprachregelung is a
German language term meaning "convention of speech". It refers to a formal or informal agreement that certain things should be expressed in specific ways in official communications by an organisation or by a political entity.A certain number of Sprachregelungen are adopted by most mid-sized to large companies in Germany, to avoid confusing and seemingly contradictory messages being given out, and to enhance the outward appearance of unity, but also to avoid negative-sounding statements about the company by replacing them with more or less appropriate
euphemism s.The term is most commonly used in connection with media and politics when it comes to disputed or sensitive subjects. The
Cold War period was especially rich in these conventions. As an example, when theFederal Republic of Germany did not recognize theGerman Democratic Republic , one of the "Sprachregelungen" adopted over time was to refer to the latter only by its German abbreviation, "DDR", which was meant to be derogatory. On the other hand, the GDR adopted the Sprachregelung thatEast Berlin was never to be referred to as such, but always as "Berlin, capital of the GDR". This was supposed to avoid recognition of the continuing allied occupation of Berlin, and of the political validity ofWest Berlin .Also,
euphemism s ofNazi Germany , like "final solution" for what is today known asthe Holocaust , may be regarded as a case of "Sprachregelung".
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