1885 in Canada

1885 in Canada

"See also:"
1884 in Canada,
other events of 1885,
1886 in Canada and the
Timeline of Canadian history.



* March 26 - Louis Riel and the Métis battle the North-West Mounted Police at Duck Lake
* April 24 - North-West Rebellion: Battle of Fish Creek fought between Canadian forces and the Métis
* May 2 - North-West Rebellion: Battle of Cut Knife
* May 9-May 12 - North-West Rebellion: Battle of Batoche the Métis are defeated in battle
* May 28 - North-West Rebellion: Battle of Frenchman's Butte
* June 3 - North-West Rebellion: Battle of Loon Lake. The last Cree resistance is shattered.
* July 2 - Big Bear captured.
* November 7 - The transcontinental railway is completed
* November 16 - Riel is executed in Regina, Saskatchewan
* Banff National Park, the first national park in Canada is established
* A head tax on Chinese immigrants is imposed by the federal government
* Canada outlaws the potlatch ceremony among Northwest Coast tribes. The law, often ignored, is repealed in 1951.


* January 11 - Gordon Daniel Conant, Premier of Ontario
* February 4 - Cairine Wilson, Senator
* April 3 - Allan Dwan, filmmaker
* June 27 - Arthur Lismer, artist
* July 23 - Izaak Walton Killam, financier
* July 31 - Charles A. Dunning, Premier of Saskatchewan
* August 3 - Charles Hibbert Tupper, politician
* October 23 - Lawren Harris, artist
* November 5 - Edgar Sydney Little,Senator
* December 5 - Ernest Cormier, architect
* December 24 - Abraham Albert Heaps, labor leader
* Thomas B. Costain, historical novelist


* July 17 - Jean-Charles Chapais, politician.
* November 16 - Louis Riel, Métis leader

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