- 1876 in Canada
"See also:"
1875 in Canada ,
other events of 1876,1877 in Canada and thelist of 'years in Canada' .----
February 1 -Andrew Elliott becomespremier of British Columbia , replacingGeorge Walkem
*July 1 - TheIntercolonial Railway connecting central Canada to theMaritimes is completed
* August - SirLouis Henry Davies becomespremier of Prince Edward Island , replacingLemuel Cambridge Owen
*August 10 - The world's first long-distance phone call connects the Bell residence with a shoe and boot store in nearbyParis, Ontario .
* TheIndian Act defines the special status and land regulations ofAboriginal peoples in Canada who live on reserves; they have no vote in Canadianelection s and are exempt fromtax es
* TheDistrict of Keewatin (incorporating the disputed area between Ontario and Manitoba) is separated from theNorth-West Territories .
* TheToronto Women's Literary Club is founded as a front for thesuffrage movement.Births
January 8 -Matthew Robert Blake , politician
*April 3 -Margaret Anglin , actor
*April 21 -William Henry Wright , businessman
*June 17 -Thomas Alexander Crerar , politician
*August 23 -William M. Martin , Premier of Saskatchewan
*September 6 - John Macleod, scientist
*October 6 -Ernest Lapointe , politician
*December 9 -Berton Churchill , actorDeaths
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