- AB Motorfabriken i Göteborg
AB Motorfabriken i Göteborg (AMG) was founded in 1897 in
Gothenburg ,Sweden as a producer of stationaryengine s. In 1899 the company also began producing boat engines and started looking intoautomobile manufacturing. They went toFrance and looked for suitable models, settling on theBrasier . They imported Brasiers until their own models could be produced.In 1903 their first automobile was made. Except for engine, ignition system,
carburetor , and tires, the car was made entirely of Swedish products. The engine used was the German Fafnir, but converted to be water-cooled. Transmission was via propshaft, rather than chain or belt as was the norm. The first car was driven from Gothenburg toStockholm for a car exhibition. However, finances were grim and only ten cars were built. Production ended in 1906.
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