- Adam Curle
Adam Curle (
July 4 1916 –28 September 2006 ) was a British academic andQuaker peace activist. His full name was Charles Thomas William Curle; he was known as "Adam" after the town where he was born, L'Isle-Adam, north ofParis .cite news|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/obituaries/story/0,,1886913,00.html|author=Tom Woodhouse|title=Obituary: Adam Curle|publisher="The Guardian"|date=2006-10-04|accessdate=2008-02-08]Background
Curle's father was Richard Curle, a journalist and writer and friend of
Joseph Conrad . His mother was Cordelia Fisher. One of her sisters, Adeline, married the composerRalph Vaughan Williams . He was also related to the historianFrederic William Maitland , the photographerJulia Margaret Cameron ,Virginia Woolf and the artistVanessa Bell .Curle attended
Charterhouse School and subsequently studiedanthropology atNew College, Oxford .cite news|url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article657942.ece|title=Adam Curle|publisher="The Times"|date=2006-10-03|accessdate=2008-02-08] He married Pamela Hobson in 1939 and the couple had two daughters, Christina and Anna. Curle and Hobson divorced some years later.Career
After serving in the British army during
World War II and rising to the rank ofMajor , Curle worked at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. He subsequently became an academic, working as a lecturer insocial psychology at theUniversity of Oxford and then, from 1952 onwards, asprofessor ofeducation andpsychology at the then University College of the South-West of England, which shortly thereafter became theUniversity of Exeter . In the later 1950s he travelled extensively, and during this period met his second wife, Anne, with whom he had a third daughter, Deborah. With Anne, Adam joined the Quakers while serving as a professor of education at theUniversity of Ghana . In 1962 he set up the Harvard Center for Studies in Education and Development atHarvard University and in 1973 was chosen as the first professor ofPeace Studies at theUniversity of Bradford ,England . He helped set up the Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights, anNGO based inOsijek ,Croatia during theCroatian War of 1991-1995. He did much to establish peace studies as an academic discipline. In 2000 he was the recipient of the Gandhi Foundation International Peace Award.Death
He died on Thursday 28 September 2006 in London. He had been ill for about a week with a very virulent
leukaemia .References
External links
* [http://www.brad.ac.uk/acad/peace/about/adam_curle.php Adam Curle Obituary]
* [http://www.brad.ac.uk/library/special/curle.php The Adam Curle Archive]
* [http://www.brad.ac.uk/acad/peace/ Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.