- Raymond Abellio
Raymond Abellio is the pseudonym of French writer Georges Soulès. He was born
November 11 ,1907 inToulouse , and diedAugust 26 ,1986 inNice .Abellio went to the
Ecole Polytechnique and then took part in theX-Crise Group . He advocatedfar-left ideas, but like many other technocrats, he joined theVichy regime during theSecond World War and became in 1942 secretary general ofEugène Deloncle 's far-right "Mouvement Social Révolutionnaire " (MSR) party. [Mark Sedgwick erratum to "Against the Modern World" Oxford University Press, 2004http://www1.aucegypt.edu/faculty/sedgwick/trad/book/errata.html] He then participated toMarcel Déat 's attempt of creating a unifiedCollaborationist party. In April and September 1943 he participated to the "Days of the Mont-Dore", an assembly of collaborationist personalities under the patronage ofPhilippe Pétain . [Antonin Cohen [http://www.cairn.info/revue-d-histoire-moderne-et-contemporaine-2004-2-p-141.htm?WhatU=Raymond%20Abellio&Auteur=&doc=&ID_ARTICLE=RHMC_512_0141 Vers la Révolution Communautaire] Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine n°51 (2004)] After the Liberation, he was sentenced to 20 years imprisonmentin absentia for Collaborationism, and escaped toSwitzerland . However, he was pardoned in 1952 and went on to start a literary career.Besides his literary career, under the influence ofPierre de Combas , he developed an interest inesoterism , and especiallyastrology . He was also interested in the possibility of a secret numerical code in theBible , a subject that he developed in "La Bible, document chiffré" in 1950, and later in "Introduction à une théorie des nombres bibliques", in 1984. He proposed in particular that thenumber of the beast , 666, was the key number of life, a manifestation of theholy trinity on all possible levels,material ,animist andspiritual . He has also written on the philosophy of rugby football. [R. ABELLIO, « Le rugby et la maîtrise du temps », Cahiers Raymond Abellio, novembre 1983, p. 75-76] .Notes
* with
André Mahé (collaborationist) "La Fin du nihilisme" - 1943 (signed under his actual name, Georges Soulès)
*"Heureux les pacifiques" - 1946
*"Les yeux d'Ézéchiel sont ouverts" - 1949
* "Vers un nouveau prophétisme : essai sur le rôle politique du sacré et la situation de Lucifer dans le monde moderne" - 1950
* "La Bible, document chiffré : essai sur la restitution des clefs de la science numérale secrète. Tome 1. Clefs générales" - 1950
* "La Bible, document chiffré : essai sur la restitution des clefs de la science numérale secrète. Tome 2. Les Séphiroth et les 5 premiers versets de la Genèse" - 1950
* "Assomption de l'Europe" -1954
* withPaul Sérant "Au seuil de l'ésotérisme : précédé de : l'Esprit moderne et la tradition" - 1955
*"La fosse de Babel" - 1962
* "Hommages àRobert Brasillach " - 1965
* "Guénon, oui. Mais..." inPlanète n°15, April 1970
*"Sol Invictus" - 1981 (winner of thePrix des Deux-Magots )
* "Montségur " - 1982
* "Visages immobiles" - 1983
* "Introduction à une théorie des nombres bibliques" - 1984
* "Manifeste de la nouvelle Gnose" - 1989 (edited byMarie-Thérèse de Brosses andCharles Hirsch )
* "Fondements d'éthique" - 1994
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