Francisco de Távora

Francisco de Távora

Francisco de Távora (1646 - 1710) was the first count of Alvor.

Born to António Luis de Tavora, second count of São João da Pesqueira and D. Arcângela Maria de Portugal, he married Inês Catarina de Tavora and had three children :
*Maria Inácia de Tavora (1678)
*Bernardo António Filipe Neri de Tavora, second count of Alvor (1681)
*António Luis de Tavora (1689).

His second marriage was with D. Isabel da Silva.

*Governor of Angola (1669 - 1676)
*Governor of India (56º) (1681 - 1686)
*Vice-Roy of India (33º) (1681 - 1686)

*Another Francisco de Távora commanded the "Great King" during the naval battle of Diu (1509).



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