Randolph Harding

Randolph Harding

Randolph Harding (September 17 1914 – 1996) was a Canadian politician.

Born in Silverton, British Columbia, he was a teacher and a member of the Silverton municipal council. He was elected as the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation candidate to the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia representing Kaslo-Slocan in 1945, and was re-elected in 1949, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1960, 1963 and 1966.

He was elected to the Canadian House of Commons in the 1968 federal election for the British Columbia riding of Kootenay West. A New Democrat, he was re-elected in 1972 and was defeated in 1974.



External links

* [http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/people/key/bio.asp?lang=E&query=1049&s=M Synopsis of federal political experience from the Library of Parliament]

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