

Termas has several meanings:
* In Tibetan Buddhism, Termas are key buddhist teachings.
* In most of the Spanish speaking world, the Spanish word termas means: a "bona fide" spa, hot baths, thermae or springs.
* In most of the Portuguese speaking world, the Portuguese word termas (or thermas) means: a "bona fide" spa, hot baths, thermae, springs, or a [http://www.chcrainha.min-saude.pt/HTERMAL0.HTM spa hospital (Hospital Termal)] . e.g. thermas of [http://www.vidagopalace.com/en/ Vidago] , Caldas da Rainha, among many [http://www.termasdeportugal.pt others] .
* In Brazil, the Portuguese word terma may be a slang for sauna or may refer ambiguously/euphemistically to a particular kind of brothel with saunas or baths, that is rooted in a pagan tradition inherited from roman times and brought to Brazil with the portuguese colonization. While many termas have saunas, they are usually places which also include a nightclub where prostitutes work. Few of the customers actually go there for a nice hot shower, but you can get one, and are expected to. It is customary for one to put ones clothes into a locker, and wear a robe into the nightclub part of the terma, where you can choose a prostitute. Sex is usually available on these premises, on a separate floor or area. In some places in Brazil, the rooms must be a separate business entity from the nightclub (boite) or terma (sauna).

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