- José Díaz
Infobox Officeholder
name =José Díaz Ramos
order =General Secretary of the
office =Communist Party of Spain
term_start =1932
term_end =1942
predecessor =José Bullejos
successor =Dolores Ibarruri
birth_date =1896
birth_place =Seville , Seville,Spain
death_date =Dda|1942|03|19|1896|1|1
death_place =Tblisi ,Georgia SSR
nationality =Spanish
children =:"For other people with the same name, seeJose Diaz "José Díaz (1896—March 19 1942 ) was a Spanishtrade union ist and communist politician.Trade unionism
Born in
Sevilla and a baker by trade, he became known as the leader of a strike in 1917. After the start ofMiguel Primo de Rivera 's dictatorship, Díaz continued his labor activism in clandestinity, and then, beginning in 1927, joined theCommunist Party of Spain (PCE). He was able to attract the more radical workers, who were disenchanted with the traditional unions, as well as helping the PCE profit from rivalry between the moderate socialistUnión General de Trabajadores and the anarchistConfederación Nacional del Trabajo .Leadership in Spain
As a result, the 4th PCE Congress in Sevilla (March 1932) elected him a member of the
Central Committee ; in September of the same year, he joined thePolitburo , and soon after was appointedgeneral secretary . In this capacity, Díaz was replacingJosé Bullejos , who had been expelled for opposing the officialparty line during a "campaign of Bolshevisation" that enforcedStalinism as the officialMarxism-Leninism . In 1935, he andDolores Ibárruri led the PCE delegation to the 7thComintern Congress, whereGeorgi Dimitrov introducedJoseph Stalin 's dogma calling for a "united front againstFascism ", which signalled world communists to seek an alliance with movements previously considered "bourgeois ".With PCE participation in the Spanish Popular Front government and the Civil War, Díaz dedicated himself to inner party politics, without occupying official positions in the administration of the
Second Spanish Republic . His focus was on contributing to the military victory of the Republican forces overFrancisco Franco 's troops, and was a noted critic ofJuan Domingo Astigarrabia and hisCommunist Party of Euskadi (the PCE wing in the Basque Country), whom he saw as too sympathetic toBasque nationalism .In the Soviet Union
Diaz's health deteriorated due to
stomach cancer , and he left Spain for theSoviet Union in January 1939, being operated on in Leningrad. He remained inMoscow after the Republican defeat and the start ofWorld War II , being active as acadre in the Comintern Secretariat (an overseer of communists in Spain,South America , and British India). Díaz also wrote an essay containingself-criticism , one prompted by the ideological demands of theGreat Purge and Stalin'spersonality cult , entitled "Las enseñanzas de Stalin, guía luminoso para los comunistas españoles" ("The Teachings of Stalin, a Luminous Guide for the Spanish Communists"). The articles he wrote in the period were collected as "Tres años de lucha" ("Three Years of Combat").When the German forces invaded the Soviet state in June 1941, José Díaz was forced to take refuge in Pushkin. In autumn, he settled in
Tbilisi (Georgian SSR ) but his ailment and the immense pain it caused him made him take his own life that spring. The circumstances of his death have been disputed ever since, with many believing that he had actually been murdered by the Soviets for his disagreements with Stalin. Notably, the stance Díaz had taken in 1939, when he asked for the PCE to be given full control over the Republican government, went clearly (albeit perhaps unwittingly) against the Stalinist strategy.The
KGB file concerning him was declassified in the 1990s (after the fall of the Soviet Union): it failed to provide any evidence incriminating the dictator. Díaz was replaced as general secretary byDolores Ibárruri .In April 2005, his remains were reburied in Seville, and the PCE honored his memory with a ceremonial; the city's
Ayuntamiento unanimously voted to designate him "Hijo predilecto" ("Favored son").External links
* [http://www.antorcha.org/galeria/pdiaz.htm Biography] (in Spanish)
* [http://www.derechos.org/nizkor/espana/doc/diaz.html Homage in Seville] (in Spanish)
* [http://www.ococtubre.org/Biblioteca/index_jose_diaz.php Collected speeches] (in Spanish)
* [http://www.mltranslations.org/Spain/civilwar.htm "Lessons From Our National Revolutionary War Against Fascism, 1936-1969" (PCE self-criticism of its Stalinist past)] (note the reference to José Díaz as " [an] authentic Marxist-Leninist")
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