

The Spangenhelm was a popular European war combat helmet design of the Early Middle Ages. [From the German Wikipedia, in heraldry a different kind of helmet is known as a spangenhelm. The latter helmet was a fifteenth and sixteenth tournament helmet style.] The name is of German origin. "Spangen" refers to the metal strips that form the framework for the helmet and could be translated as "clips", and "-helm" simply means helmet. The strips connect three to six steel or bronze plates. The frame takes a conical design that curves with the shape of the head and culminates in a point. The front of the helmet may include a nose protector (a ). Older spangenhelms often include cheek flaps made from metal or leather. Spangenhelms may incorporate mail as neck protection. Some spangenhelms include eye protection in a shape that resembles modern eyeglass frames. Other spangenhelms include a full face mask.

The spangenhelm originated in Central Asia. It arrived in Europe by way of what is now southern Russia and Ukraine. By the 6th century it was the most common helmet design in Europe and in popular use throughout the Middle East. It remained in use at least as late as the 9th century. [Simon Coupland, " [ Carolingian Arms and Armor in the Ninth Century] ", (accessed 10 March 2006).]

The spangenhelm was an effective protection that was relatively easy to produce. Weakness of the design were its partial head protection and its jointed construction. It was replaced by the casque.The Sutton Hoo helmet has a Spangenhelm design.


"Portions of this article were translated from the German Wikipedia."

External links

* [ How to Build a Spangenhelm]

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