Paul Rosenstein-Rodan

Paul Rosenstein-Rodan

Paul Narcyz Rosenstein-Rodan (19021985) was an Austrian economist born in Kraków, who was trained in the Austrian tradition under Hans Mayer in Vienna. His early contributions to economics were in pure economic theoryon marginal utility, complementarity, hierarchical structures of wants and the pervasive Austrian School issue of time.

Rosenstein-Rodan emigrated to Britain in 1930, and taught at UCL and then at LSE until 1947. He then moved to the World Bank, before moving on to MIT, where he was a professor from 1953 to 1968.

He is the author of the 1943 article "Problems of Industrialisation of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe" - origin of theBig Push Modeltheory - in which he argued for planned large-scale investment programmes in industrialisation in countries with a large surplus workforce in agriculture, in order to take advantage of network effects, viz economies of scale and scope, to escape the low level equilibrium "trap". He thus developed a theme laid out by Allyn Young in his 1928 article "Increasing Returns and Economic Progress", in which the latter himself expanded a theme formulated by Adam Smith in 1776.


*“Grenznutzen”, "Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften" v 4 (1927), p 1190-223.
*“Das Zeitmoment in der Mathematischen Theorie des Wirschaftlichen Gleichgewichtes”, "Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie" v1 (1929) #1, p 129-42.
*“La Complementarieta: Prima delle tre etappe del progresso della Teoria Economica Pura”, "La Riforma Social" (1933).
*“The Role of Time in Economic Theory”, "Economica" N. S., v 1 (1934) #1.
*“A Coordination of the Theories of Money and Price”, "Economica" v3 (1936), p 257-80.
*“Problems of Industrialization of Eastern and South- Eastern Europe”, "Economic Journal" v 53, No. 210/211, (1943), p 202-11.
*“The International Development of Economically Backward Areas”, "International Affairs" v 20 (1944) #2 (April), p 157-165.
*"Disguised Underemployment and Under-employment in Agriculture", (1956).
*“Uwagi o teoriiwielkiego pchnięcia’”, "Ekonomista" #2 (1959).
*“International Aid for Underdeveloped Countries”, "Review of Economic Statics" v 43 (1961).
*“Notes on the Theory of the Big Push”, in Ellis, editor, "Economic Development for Latin America" (1961).
*“Criteria for Evaluation of National Development Effort”, "Journal of Development Planning" v 1 (1969).
*"The New International Economic Order" (1981).


* Martinussen, John; "Society, State and Market: a guide to competing theories of development" (1997, Zed Books Ltd.)

External links

* ['0324') Catalogue] of Rosenstein-Rodan papers at [ LSE Archives]
* [] The Rosenstein-Rodan prize is awarded annually for the best paper(s) written by economics graduate students

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