

Kallidike (or Callidice, Kallidice), queen of Thesprotia, wife of Odysseus, they had a son together, Polypoetes. According to the Telegony ("Epic Cycle"), Odysseus was sent on another voyage by the gods after killing all of Penelope's suitors. He journeyed through Epirus and came upon the nation of Thesprotis. Callidice urged him to stay and offered him the kingdom of Thesprotia. There he remained for a number of years, marrying Kallidike. The Thesprotians, led by Odysseus and Kallidike, went to war with their neighbors the Brygoi (Brygi, Brygians) and defeated in battle the neighboring peoples who attacked him. Ares was on the Brygoi side but Athena went to support Odysseus and Kallidike by engaging the war god in another confrontation until Apollo separates them. When Callidice died, Odysseus returned home to Ithaca, leaving their son, Polypoetes, to rule Thesprotia.

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