Si on avait besoin d'une cinquième saison

Si on avait besoin d'une cinquième saison

Infobox Album | Name = Si on avait besoin d'une cinquième saison
Type = Studio Album
Artist = Harmonium

Released = 1975
Recorded = 1975
Genre = Progressive rock
Length = 41:32
Label = PolyGram
Producer = Harmonium, Peter Burns
Reviews = *Allmusic rating|4.5|5 []
* [ Canuckistan Music] [ review of LP]
* rating|5|5 []
Last album = "Harmonium" (1974)
This album = "Si on avait besoin d'une cinquième saison" (1975)
Next album = "L'Heptade" (1976)

"Si on avait besoin d'une cinquième saison" ("If We Needed a Fifth Season"), also known as "Les Cinq Saisons" ("The Five Seasons"), is the second album from Quebec band Harmonium, released in 1975.

The album marks a departure from the folk rock sound of "Harmonium" towards a unique progressive rock sound. Serge Fiori, Michel Normandeau and Louis Valois are joined this time by Pierre Daigneault and Serge Locat. Marie Bernard also provides her expertise for the Ondes Martenot, while Judi Richards sings in "Histoires sans paroles".

The album's theme revolves around the four seasons, with a track for each, and a new fifth season in "Histoires Sans Paroles", a 17-minute song. "Dixie" is also a notable track because of Locat's unforgettable piano solo. "Si on avait besoin d'une cinquième saison", while a transitional album, became an influential album in Quebec's music history.

Some lyrics on this album, like on "Depuis l'Automne" can show the separatist ideology shared by the band at that time.

Track listing

#"Vert" (5:35) - Le printemps et l'arrivée des couleurs
#"Dixie (une toune qui me revient)" (3:26) - L'été et l'arrivée de la chaleur
#"Depuis l'automne" (10:28) - L'automne et le départ de bien des choses
#"En pleine face" (4:50) - L'hiver et le départ de bien des gens
#"Histoires sans paroles" (17:12) - La Cinquième Saison
##"L'isolement" (2:47)
##"L'appel" (2:53)
##"La rencontre" (1:40)
##"L'union" (3:07)
##"Le grand bal" (6:45)


#"Vert" ("Green") - The spring and the coming of colours
#"Dixie (A tune coming back to me)" - The summer and the coming of the heat
#"Since the fall" ("Depuis l'automne") - The autumn and the departure of many things
#"Right in the face" ("En pleine face") - The winter and the departure of so many people
#"Stories without lyrics" ("Histoires sans paroles") - The fifth season
##"The isolation" ("L'isolement")
##"The call" ("L'appel")
##"The meeting" ("La rencontre")
##"The union" ("L'union")
##"The grand ball" ("Le grand bal")


*Serge Fiori - guitar, lead vocals
*Michel Normandeau - guitar, vocals
*Louis Valois - bass guitar, electric piano
*Pierre Daigneault - flutes, clarinets
*Serge Locat - keyboards

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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