Hanse Law School

Hanse Law School

The Hanse Law School provides a course of studies in jurisprudence, which is oriented towards the requirements of the economy, and the constantly changing requirements of European law. The faculty has had to adapt itself to globalization and the expansion of Europe.

The Hanse Law School is a project of a number of universities. The aim—after four or five years of study—is not only to have acquired knowledge of the breadth of German law, but also to have acquired understanding of Dutch and English law, as well as some ancillary knowledge of economics. Periods of study can be undertaken at the Dutch partner university in Groningen, and at various institutions in England and other countries.

Bachelor's degree

The Bachelor's degree requires 240 points of credit (kp), which are distributed as follows:

* 15 kp of introduction to the Hanse Law School
* 33 kp civil law
* 26 kp commercial law
* 9 kp industrial law
* 40 kp public rights
* 22 kp criminal law
* 10 kp rights of the European Union
* 15 kp of bachelor's thesis (6 weeks duration)
* 18 kp of language courses (Dutch or specialized English)
* 24 kp of economic science
* 16 kp of "effectus civilis" or international law
* 12 kp practical course

Master's degree

The master degree requires 60 points of credit, with the obligation to study certain subjects which are provided on behalf of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen:

* 4 compulsory subjects (in each case 6 kp):
** company law (comparative and European)
** internationally contract law
** EC competition law
** legal skills - law in Europe (and particularly the Netherlands)
* 3 optional subjects (in each case 6 kp) from:
** law of goods
** contract law
** Insolvency
** government and private law
** government liability
** European and international prosecution
** labour, commerce and competition from a transnational and EU perspective
** transnational relations and Law - international economic and commercial law - regularization by non state actors
** democracy, human rights, basic liberties - national, European and international
** government and administration in the information age (e-governance) and public management
** European and international economics and environmental law
** intellectual and commercial property
** EEC consumer rights
* Master's examination (18 kp)

One point of credit corresponds 30 hours of work.

External links

* [http://www.hanse-law-school.de/ http://www.hanse-law-school.de/]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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