- Joseph Rykwert
Joseph Rykwert was born in
Warsaw ,Poland in 1926 and emigrated toEngland in 1939. Rykwert is an architectural historian who has published several books on architecture. He has taught at theUniversity of Essex and theUniversity of Cambridge . He is currently Paul Philippe Cret Professor of Architecture Emeritus and Professor of Art History atUniversity of Pennsylvania and has received a number of grants from the Graham Foundation to aid his work. Rykwert has also been a visiting scholar at various prestigious universities. He has taught a whole generation of architecture historians and theoreticians.Publications
*"The Seduction of Place: The City in the Twenty-First Century" (2004)
*"Body and Building: Essays on the Changing Relation of Body and Architecture" edited by George Dodds and Robert Tavernor (2002)
*"The Dancing Column: On Order in Architecture" (1998)
*Leon Battista Alberti's "On the Art of Building in Ten Books" translated by Joseph Rykwert, Neil Leach and Robert Tavernor (1991)
*"The Idea of a Town: The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy, and The Ancient World" (1988)
*"On Adam's House in Paradise The Idea of the Primitive Hut in Architectural History" (1981)ee also
Slade Professor of Fine Art
*Alice Davis Hitchcock Award
*David Chipperfield
*George Dodds
*Marco Frascari
*Neil Leach
*Daniel Libeskind
*Alberto Pérez-Gómez
*Dalibor Vesely
*Lewis Mumford External links
* [http://www.design.upenn.edu/new/arch/facultybio.php?fid=81 University of Pennsylvania faculty page]
* [http://cca.qc.ca/pages/Niveau3.asp?page=mellon_rykwert&lang=eng Text of Rykwert's Mellon Lecture 19 April 2005 at the CCA titled "Translation and/or Representation"]
* [http://www.studio-international.co.uk/archive/loos_1973_186_957.htm Rykwert, Joseph. "Adolf Loos: the new vision"] in "Studio International", 1973.
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