

The glans (Latin for "acorn") is a structure internally composed of corpus spongiosum in males or of corpus cavernosa and vestibular tissue in females that is located at the tip of homologous genital structures involved in sexual arousal.


The exterior structure of the glans consists of mucous membrane, which is usually covered by foreskin or clitoral hood in naturally developed genitalia. This covering, called the prepuce, is normally retractable in adulthood.

The glans naturally joins with the inner labia, and the frenulum of the penis or clitoris. In non-technical or sexual discussions, often the word "clitoris" refers to the external glans alone, excluding the clitoral hood, frenulum, and internal body of the clitoris.

Gender differences

In males the glans is known as the glans penis, while in females the glans is known as the clitoral glans.

In females, the clitoris is above the urethra. This organ was once thought to serve no function other than sexual arousal, but research is beginning to prove otherwise.Fact|date=September 2007 The glans of the clitoris is the most highly innervated part of the external female genitalia.


In the development of the urinary and reproductive organs, the glans is derived from the genital tubercle.

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  • Glans — ; pl. {Glandes}. [L. See {Gland}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Anat.) The vascular body which forms the apex of the penis, and the extremity of the clitoris. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) The acorn or mast of the oak and similar fruits. Gray. [1913 Webster] 3 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • GLANS — ab Aeol. γάλανος pro βάλανος, antiquissimorum mortalium cibus fuit. Plin. l. 7. c. 56. Ceres frumenta (invenit) cuni antea glande vescerentur homines. Lucret. Rer. Nat. l. 5. v. 1419. Sic odium coepit glandis etc. Vide supta Fruges. Et quidem… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • glans — 1640s, from L. glans “acorn” (see GLAND (Cf. gland)) …   Etymology dictionary

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