

name = "Aerangis"

image_width = 220px
image_caption = "Aerangis fastuosa"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Asparagales
familia = Orchidaceae
subfamilia = Higher Epidendroideae
tribus = Vandeae
subtribus = Angraecinae
genus = "Aerangis"
genus_authority = Rchb. f.
type_species = "Aerangis flabellifolia"
type_species_authority = Rchb. f.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
* "Aerangis alata"
* "Aerangis albidiflora"
* "Aerangis albido-rubra"
* "Aerangis antennophoro"
* "Aerangis aporoides"
* "Aerangis appendiculata"
* "Aerangis arachnites"
* "Aerangis arachnopus"
* "Aerangis articulata"
* "Aerangis biloba"
* "Aerangis brachycarpa"
* "Aerangis calligera"
* "Aerangis caudata"
* "Aerangis citrata"
* "Aerangis clavigera"
* "Aerangis collum-cygni"
* "Aerangis coriacea"
* "Aerangis cryptodon"
* "Aerangis curnowiana"
* "Aerangis decaryana"
* "Aerangis distincta"
* "Aerangis ellisii"
* "Aerangis fastuosa"
* "Aerangis flabellifolia"
* "Aerangis friesiorum"
* "Aerangis fuscata"
* "Aerangis grandiflora"
* "Aerangis hyaloides"
* "Aerangis jacksonii"
* "Aerangis kirkii"
* "Aerangis kotschyana"
* "Aerangis luteo-alba"
** "Aerangis luteo-alba" var. "rhodosticta"
* "Aerangis macrocentra"
* "Aerangis malmquistiana"
** "Aerangis malmquistiana" var. "venusta"
* "Aerangis mitrata"
* "Aerangis modesta"
* "Aerangis neoperrieri"
* "Aerangis ramosa"
* "Aerangis rhodosticta"
* "Aerangis roseocalcarata"
* "Aerangis sanderiana"
* "Aerangis scottii"
* "Aerangis somalensis"
* "Aerangis spiculata"
* "Aerangis stylosa"
* "Aerangis thomsonii"
* "Aerangis ugandensis"
* "Aerangis umbonata"
* "Aerangis venosa"
* "Aerangis verdickii"
synonyms =
*"Barombia" Schltr.
*"Radinocion" Ridl.

"Aerangis", abbreviated as Aergs in horticultural trade, is a genus of the Orchid family ("Orchidaceae"). The name of this genus has been derived from the Greek words 'aer' (air) and 'angos' (urn), referring to the form of the lip. Approximately 50 species in this genus are known mostly from tropical Africa, but also from the Comoros Islands, Madagascar and Sri Lanka.

Species are usually epiphytic, sometimes lithophytic small orchids, resembling "Vanda"s in appearance. Their large, waxy, star-shaped flowers are generally white, cream-colored or yellow. They show a long, nectar-filled spur, often longer than the flower itself. There is a single stem with many flowers on a long raceme. The lip is flat and resembles the petals and sepals. They give off an agreeable smell during the night. There are six to ten parallel-veined, fleshy, evergreen leaves.

These orchids are not often found in collections, even though they are rather easy to grow. More common are "Aerangis"' descendants from intergeneric hybridization:

* "×Aeridopsis" ("Aerangis" × "Phalaenopsis")
* "×Isaoara" ("Aerangis" × "Ascocentrum" × "Phalaenopsis" × "Vanda")

External links

* [ Aerangis citrata]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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