- Several complex variables
The theory of functions of several complex variables is the branch of
mathematics dealing with functions:"f"("z1, z2, ..., zn")
on the space C"n" of "n"-
tuple s ofcomplex number s. As incomplex analysis , which is the case "n" = 1 but of a distinct character, these are not just any functions: they are supposed to be "analytic", so that locally speaking they arepower series in the variables "zi".Equivalently, as it turns out, they are locally uniform limits of
polynomial s; or locally square-integrable solutions to the "n"-dimensionalCauchy-Riemann equations .Many examples of such functions were familiar in nineteenth century mathematics: abelian functions,
theta function s, and somehypergeometric series . Naturally also any function of one variable that depends on some complexparameter is a candidate. The theory, however, for many years didn't become a fully-fledged area inmathematical analysis , since its characteristic phenomena weren't uncovered. TheWeierstrass preparation theorem would now be classed ascommutative algebra ; it did justify the local picture,ramification , that addresses the generalisation of thebranch point s ofRiemann surface theory.With work of
Friedrich Hartogs , and ofKiyoshi Oka in the 1930s, a general theory began to emerge; others working in the area at the time wereHeinrich Behnke ,Peter Thullen and Karl Stein. Hartogs proved some basic results, including showing that there can be noisolated singularity in the theory when "n" > 1. Naturally the analogues ofcontour integral s will be harder to handle: when "n" = 2 an integral surrounding a point should be over a three-dimensionalmanifold (since we are in four real dimensions), while iterating contour (line) integrals over two separate complex variables should come to adouble integral over a two-dimensional surface. This means that theresidue calculus will have to take a very different character.After 1945 important work in France, in the seminar of
Henri Cartan , and Germany withHans Grauert andReinhold Remmert , quickly changed the picture of the theory. A number of issues were clarified, in particular that ofanalytic continuation . Here a major difference is evident from the one-variable theory: while for any open connected set "D" in C we can find a function that will nowhere continue analytically over the boundary, that cannot be said for "n" > 1. In fact the "D" of that kind are rather special in nature (a condition called "pseudoconvexity "). The natural domains of definition of functions, continued to the limit, are called "Stein manifold s" and their nature was to makesheaf cohomology groups vanish. In fact it was the need to put (in particular) the work of Oka on a clearer basis that led quickly to the consistent use of sheaves for the formulation of the theory (with major repercussions foralgebraic geometry , in particular from Grauert's work).From this point onwards there was a foundational theory, which could be applied to "analytic geometry" (a name adopted, confusingly, for the geometry of zeroes of analytic functions — this is not the
analytic geometry learned at school),automorphic form s of several variables, andpartial differential equation s. Thedeformation theory ofcomplex structure s andcomplex manifold s was described in general terms byKunihiko Kodaira andD.C. Spencer . The celebrated paper "GAGA " ofSerre pinned down the crossover point from "géometrie analytique" to "géometrie algébrique".C.L. Siegel was heard to complain that the new "theory of functions of several complex variables" had few "functions" in it — meaning that thespecial function side of the theory was subordinated to sheaves. The interest fornumber theory , certainly, is in specific generalisations ofmodular form s. The classical candidates are theHilbert modular form s andSiegel modular form s. These days these are associated toalgebraic group s (respectively theWeil restriction from atotally real number field of GL(2), and thesymplectic group ), for which it happens thatautomorphic representation s can be derived from analytic functions. In a sense this doesn't contradict Siegel; the modern theory has its own, different directions.Subsequent developments included the
hyperfunction theory, and theedge-of-the-wedge theorem , both of which had some inspiration fromquantum field theory . There are a number of other fields, such asBanach algebra theory, that draw on several complex variables.ee also
Coherent sheaf
*Cartan's theorems A and B
*Cousin problems
*Hartogs' lemma
*Hartogs' theorem
*Biholomorphy References
*H. Behnke and P. Thullen, "Theorie der Funktionen mehrerer komplexer Veränderlichen" (1934)
*Salomon Bochner and W. T. Martin "Several Complex Variables" (1948)
*Lars Hörmander , "An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables" (1966) and later editions
*Steven G. Krantz, "Function Theory of Several Complex Variables" (1992)
*Volker Scheidemann, "Introduction to complex analysis in several variables", Birkhäuser, 2005, ISBN 3-7643-7490-X
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