

Zorn is a family name of German origin meaningwrath”. Historically, it was predominately strong in German influenced cities such as Strassburg, Kempten, Innsbruck and Wurzburg. Especially in the town of Strassbourg it was one of the most influential families containing over 33 family weapons of the various branches of the family. The oldest recorded ancestor is a Burcard Riplin 1197, noted in a historical chronology U135. His grandchildren takes the family name Zorn in 1257.

Today the family name can be frequently found in Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg, Rheinland-Pfalz and Thuringen. It is the 979th most common family name in Germany and an estimated 8016 individuals are carrying the name. Austria is another stronghold of the family name reaching a position of the 997th most usual family name estimating 1000 individuals. USA is also a country that has attracted many Zorn immigrants, an estimated 3000 individuals. The family name exists however in many countries all over the world.

People with the surname Zorn include:

*Anders Zorn (1860-1920), Swedish painter
*Max August Zorn (1906-1993), German-born American mathematician
*Eric Zorn, columnist for the Chicago Tribune, grandson of Max, husband of Johanna Zorn
*Johanna Zorn, producer for Chicago Public Radio, wife of Eric Zorn
*John Zorn (born 1953), American composer and saxophonist
*Jim Zorn, head coach of the Washington Redskins
*Fred Zorn, New York Based Singer Songwriter
*Vincent Zorn, California Based Flamenco Guitarist/Recording Artist

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