Black P. Stones (Jungles)

Black P. Stones (Jungles)

Black P. Stones Jungles refers to the division of the Black P. Stones gang active in the Baldwin Village section of Los Angeles.

The Black P. Stones Nation was originally formed in Chicago, Illinois and is one of the few Los Angeles gangs that has a history that goes back to another city. During the early to mid 1960s, The Blackstone Rangers formed on the South side of Chicago. They were later identified as the Black P. Stone Nation, then years later as the El-Rukns. [Usenis Perkins, "Explosion of Chicago's Black Street Gangs", 1987]

The Black P. Stones first emerged in California in 1969 [Alonso, Alex,] and operated in the West Adams area of Los Angeles near Crenshaw Blvd. [Yusuf Jah, "Uprising", 1995] Over the years the P. Stones grew into one of the larger gangs in South Los Angeles. They are Bloods, under the BRIMS set, and are enemies of the Crips. Today the BPS consists of two separate neighborhoods; The City, also known as the "bity" in the West Adams/Mid-City area and the Jungles, the once exclusive area (during the 1950s and 1960s) officially known as Baldwin Village, [Donald Bakeer, "Crips", 1987] which has seen 28 murders and more than 1,500 assaults from 2000 - 2005. There are an estimated 700 members of the Black P. Stones, 400 of whom live in Baldwin Village. On November 10, 2005 the FBI and Los Angeles Police Department carried out raids against alleged BPS members accused of conspiracy and drug trafficking in a joint effort called "Operation Stone Cold." At least 18 people were arrested. [Jeremiah Marquez, "Law Enforcement Raids Target Violent LA Street Gang", AP November 10, 2005]

The 2001 film Training Day, starring Denzel Washington, was filmed on a deadend street in the Jungles which featured Cle Shaheed Sloan of Athens Park.


ee also

* People Nation
* Black P. Stones
* Black Stone East

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