Perote, Veracruz

Perote, Veracruz

:" "Perote" may also refer to Perote, Alabama, United States."

Perote is a city and municipality in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. It is bordered by Las Vigas de Ramírez, Acajete, Xico and Tlalnelhuayocan, and the state of Puebla. It is on Federal Highways 180 and 190.

Its climate is regular cold and dry with an annual average temperature of 12 Celsius.

Perote's fortress of San Carlos once served as a prison. Guadalupe Victoria died there.

Also in Perote is the Cofre de Perote shield volcano (the Nahuatl name of which was "Naucampatepetl", which means in "four times lord").

This town is the home of a sizable Spanish community which immigrated here in the 1930s. Because of this, it is known for Spanish-style cured meats and sausage such as jamón serrano (serrano ham), botifarra (Catalán sausage), and Spanish chorizo sausage.cite journal |last= Triedo|first=Nicolas|year=2008 |month= February |title=Fin de semana en Xalapa|journal=Guía México Desconocido |volume= 372 |pages=4248 |url= ]


External links

* [ Pictures of Perote] - one has in the background the Cofre de Perote, another is a picture of a local bus.

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