- Vennard College
=Mission Statement=
Vennard College exists as a Wesleyan-Holiness Bible Collegeto educate the mind, build character, and develop ministry skills and Christian devotion for the purpose of serving the Churchand impacting the world for Christ.
In 1910, Dr. Iva Durham Vennard founded Chicago Evangelistic Institute (CEI) in Chicago, Illinois, for the purpose of providing "effective training for Christian service." Her stated goals were to send Spirit-filled people into the ministry and to promote Scriptural Holiness.
In 1951, the school moved to
University Park, Iowa , where it was renamed Vennard College in 1959. The move to the beautiful, rural setting brought Vennard into a familial relationship with the graduates of the three other Christian colleges which formerly occupied the campus:Central Holiness University, John Fletcher College, and Kletzing College.Dr. Vennard's presidency was followed by the leadership of Dr. Harry E. Jessop. Presidents of Vennard College have included Dr. H. M. Couchenour, Dr. J. Sutherland Logan, Dr. Merne A. Harris, Dr. Warthen T. Israel, Dr. Burnis Bushong (interim president) and Dr. Blake J. Neff.
1996 , Vennard College was newly incorporated to continue the tradition of Christian higher education on this historic campus with Dr. W. Edward Rickman as president. In 2002, current president Dr. Bruce E. Moyer picked up the reigns of leadership to guide Vennard College into the 21st Century.Vennard College is dedicated to these doctrinal positions: Vennard College's Statement of Faith
Vennard College is dedicated to these doctrinal positions:
The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired Word of God, completely trustworthy (inerrant), and the final authority for faith and practice of the believer.
God is one, infinitely perfect, Creator of all things, and eternally existing in three distinct Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who are one in nature, attributes, power, and glory.
Jesus Christ is truly God and truly human. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, was crucified and resurrected bodily to make full provision for redemption.
The Holy Spirit is a divine Person who inspired the Scriptures, convicts the world of sin, and applies the benefits of Christ’s death and resurrection.
Humanity was created in the image of God. Adam and Eve fell, and since then all people are sinful by nature and sinners by choice and are, therefore, unable to save themselves.
Salvation is provided for and offered to all people through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The sinner is born again by repentance of sin and by faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. This new birth is evidenced by thewitness and working of the Holy Spirit.
Entire Sanctification of the believer, subsequent to the new birth, is received by consecration to, and faith in, God through the atonement of Christ and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, resulting in cleansing from indwelling sin and in anointing for service. Entire sanctification is evidenced by the direct witness of the Holy Spirit and "love out of a pure heart." This experience is entered in a moment of faith and maintained by continual submission and faithfulness to God's revealed will.
The true Church is composed of all who have been redeemed through faith in Jesus Christ and are united together as the body of Christ, of which He is the Head. The church glorifies God and does His will through faithfully carrying out the Great Commission given it by Jesus Christ.
The Second Coming is the personal advent of Christ to this earth will terminate this present age and is the "blessed hope" of the believer. All the dead will be bodily resurrected; the saved to a life of eternal glory and blessedness with the Lord in Heaven, and the unsaved to judgment and everlasting conscious punishment in Hell.
Vennard's Athletic teams are referred to as The Cougars and the official school colors are purple and white.
Vennard College offers intercollegiate sports in men and women’s basketball, women’s volleyball and men’s soccer. Vennard College is a member of NCCAA Division II and the Midwest Christian College Conference. All teams are eligible for conference and post season tournaments. Individual players are eligible for All Conference, All Region and All American Teams.
Vennard College boasts of many opportunities to participate in a varitey of intermural sports that include dodge ball, indoor soccer, or anything that the student would like to start.
Vennard's campus is home to a miniature golf course that is open to the public.
Vennard College accepts online applications at its website http://www.vennard.edu/
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