Gopher wood

Gopher wood

Gopher wood or gopherwood is a term used once in the Bible, for the substance whose identity is unknown from which Noah's ark was built.

Question over identity

Gen 6:14 states that Noah built the Ark of גפר ("gofer", more commonly "gopher") wood, a word not otherwise known in the Bible or in Hebrew. The "Jewish Encyclopedia" believes it was most likely a translation of the Babylonian "gushure i÷ erini" (cedar-beams), or the Assyrian "giparu" (reed). [cite web|url=|title=The Jewish Encyclopedia: Goper-Wood|publisher=The Jewish Encyclopedia|author=Hirsch, EG & Hyvernat, H|date=2002|accessdate=2007-06-27] The Greek Septuagint (3rd–1st centuries BC) translated it as "xylon tetragonon", "squared timber". [cite book|first=Sir Lancelot C.L.|last=Brenton|title=The Septuagint with Apocrypha: Greek and English (reprint)|year=1986|origyear=1851|location=Peabody|publisher=Hendrickson Publishers|id=ISBN 0-913573-44-2] Similarly, the Latin Vulgate (5th century AD) rendered it as "lignis levigatis", "smoothed (possibly planed) wood".

Older English translations, including the King James Version (17th century), simply leave it untranslated. Many modern translations tend to favour cypress (although the word for "cypress" in Biblical Hebrew is "erez"), following Adam Clarke, a Methodist theologian famous for his commentary on the Bible: Clarke cited the resemblance between Greek word for cypress, "kuparisson" and the Hebrew word "gophar", although Greek and Hebrew are not related languages and the linguistic resemblance is superficial. Other suggestions include pine, cedar, fir, ebony, wicker, juniper, acacia, boxwood, slimed bulrushes and resinous wood, and even American trees such as "Cladrastis kentuckea", or American yellowwood, although this type of gopherwood has no known relation to the material of Noah's Ark. Others, noting the physical similarity between the Hebrew letters "g" and "k", suggest that the word may actually be "kopher", the Hebrew word meaning "pitch"; thus "kopher" wood would be "pitched wood". Recent suggestions have included a lamination process (to strengthen the Ark), or a now-lost type of tree, but there is no consensus. [cite web|author=Taylor, Paul|url=|title=What is “Gopher Wood”?|date=2001|publisher=Eden Communications|accessdate=2007-06-25]

Fictional references

*In the "Pendragon Cycle" by Stephen R. Lawhead, gopherwood, along with orichalcum and samite, other little known ancient materials, is mentioned frequently in the first volume, much of which takes place in Atlantis.
*The American movie "Evan Almighty" makes a wordplay on the term, turning it into a lumber company called, "Go-4-Wood".

External links

* [ What is "Gopher Wood?"]
* [ Gopherwood and Construction of the Ark]
* [ The Free Dictionary - Gopherwood] (giving a definition of "cladrastis kentuckea")
* [ Jewish Encyclopedia] (explaining that gopher may be reeds)


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  • Gopher wood — Go pher wood [Heb. g[=o]pher.] A species of wood used in the construction of Noah s ark. Gen. vi. 14. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gopher wood — n. [Heb gofer] Bible the wood used to make Noah s ark: Gen. 6:14 …   English World dictionary

  • gopher wood — ˈgōfə(r)ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: Hebrew gōpher : an unidentified wood used in the construction of Noah s ark make yourself an ark of gopher wood Gen 6:14 (Revised Standard Version) …   Useful english dictionary

  • gopher wood — noun The wood used in the construction of Noahs Ark not yet identified Make thee an ark of gopher wood. Syn: cypress, timber, planks …   Wiktionary

  • gopher wood — /ˈgoʊfə wʊd/ (say gohfuh wood) noun 1. US → yellowwood (defs 2 and 3). 2. (the name used in the Bible for the unidentified wood used in building Noah s ark. Genesis 6:14.) Also, gopherwood. {gopher a tree (from Hebrew) + wood1} …  

  • gopher wood — an unidentified wood used in building Noah s ark. Gen. 6:14. [1605 15; < Heb gopher] * * * …   Universalium

  • gopher wood — noun (in biblical use) the timber from which Noah s ark was made. Origin C17: gopher from Heb. gōp̱er …   English new terms dictionary

  • Gopher — may refer to:* Gopher (animal), including: ** True gopher, i.e. pocket gopher or member of Geomyidae, native to North America ** Richardson s Ground Squirrel, a species of Spermophilus ** Ground squirrel, in a loose general sense, Sciuridae **… …   Wikipedia

  • gopher — gopher1 /goh feuhr/, n. 1. any of several ground squirrels of the genus Citellus, of the prairie regions of North America. 2. See pocket gopher. 3. See gopher tortoise. 4. See gopher snake. 5 …   Universalium

  • gopher — 1. n. 1 (in full pocket gopher) any burrowing rodent of the family Geomyidae, native to N. America, having external cheek pouches and sharp front teeth. 2 a N. American ground squirrel. 3 a tortoise, Gopherus polyphemus, native to the southern US …   Useful english dictionary

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