- Return to Oz (TV program)
"Return to Oz" is an animated television special produced by Crawley Films for
Rankin/Bass . It first aired9 February 1964 in theUnited States on NBC's "General Electric Color Fantasy Hour". It was directed byF.R. Crawley ,Thomas Glynn , andLarry Roemer from ateleplay byRomeo Muller , who later wrote "Dorothy in the Land of Oz ".Crawley Films also produced the earlier
1961 animated series, "Tales of the Wizard of Oz " and brought similar artistic character renditions to the special.Plot
Dorothy receives a letter from the Scarecrow telling her that everyone is happy with the gifts the Wizard gave them, and that they miss her very much. Dorothy goes to find her silver slippers and is instantly taken to Oz again by another Kansas Twister, this time not by house, but an apple tree. Once she arrives back in Oz she is greeted by the
Munchkin s in Munchkinville.Glinda arrives to tell Dorothy that theWicked Witch of the West is not dead and that she has taken Socrates' diploma and burned it up. She has also taken theTin Woodman 's heart by turning herself into a female tin lady, and has dropped poor Rusty into the water where his chocolate heart melted and he rusted from the fall. She has also stolen theCowardly Lion 's medal by turning it into a daisy, and is planning to get Dorothy's silver slippers again.(In this film, the Scarecrow is named Socrates, the Tin Woodman is named Rusty, and the Cowardly Lion is named Dandy.)
Dorothy sets off to find her friends, without knowing the Wicked Witch is watching them in her Crystal Ball. Dorothy finds Rusty who has rusted after the witch had tricked him. They find Socrates in a corn field on a pole scaring crows again. After the four friends are reunited, they arrive at the
Emerald City , only to be tricked by the Witch, who has captured the Wizard and taken over as Oz. The Wizard/Witch tells them to destroy the Witch again and he will give them what they want. The Witch arrives back at her castle just before Dorothy and her friends, but before they arrive she sends flying alligators to kill them. Socrates' quick thinking saves them when they hide under his hay. Rusty saves them from a lighting bolt - which kills him, despite his being made of tin. Dorothy asks Glinda if she will help and a glowing ball brings Rusty back to life. The friends arrive and are trapped by the Witch. The Witch grabs Dorothy and tries to take her Silver Slippers. The gang (including the Wizard himself) try to get Dorothy back from the Witch. The Witch gives Dorothy and Dandy the Slippers. Dorothy, who is being held upside-down from the window, tells Dandy that he will turn to stone if he takes the Slippers. The Witch takes the slippers only to be turned into stone and crumble and fall apart. The gang return to the Emerald City, only to find out that the Wizard is a humbug once again. Glinda appears to tell Dorothy the reason that her friends didn't turn to stone was because they had brains, heart, and courage. She also explains that the witch was cruel and heartless, brainless enough to think evil could conquer good and cowardly in that she used slaves and suppressed others. Dorothy wishes to go back, and instantly a Kansas twister whisks her and Toto back home to Aunt Em and Uncle Henry again.Characters
The following characters appear in the special, with associated voice actors:
* Dandy Lion (Cowardly Lion) -
Carl Banas
* Dorothy Gale -Susan Conway
* Glinda, the Good Witch of the North -Peggi Loder
* Munchkins -Susan Morse
* Rusty the Tinman (Tin Woodman) -Larry D. Mann
* Socrates the Strawman (Scarecrow) -Alfie Scopp
* Toto
* Wicked Witch of the West -Peggi Loder
* Wizard of Oz -Carl Banas Video/DVD
"Return to Oz" was released on VHS in the late 1980s by Prism Entertainment. It was released on DVD by
Sony Wonder and Classic Media in March 2006. It had previously been available for syndication, and a few local stations picked it up.ee also
The Wizard of Oz (adaptations) — other adaptations of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"External links
* [http://www.rankinbass.com The Enchanted World of Rankin/Bass]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.