

name = "Avipes"
fossil_range = Middle Triassic

image_width = 230px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
superordo = ?Dinosauria
ordo =
subordo =
familia =
genus = "Avipes"
species = "A. dillstedtianus"
binomial = "Avipes dillstedtianus"
binomial_authority = von Huene, 1932

"Avipes" (meaning "bird foot") may have been a theropod dinosaur, which lived during the Middle Triassic. Its fossils were found in Bedheim, Südthüringen, Germany, in "lettenkohlensandstein" deposits (a form of sandstone) and it was named in 1932 by von Huene. It is considered a "nomen dubium": known only from metatarsals, not enough fossils have been found to positively categorize this animal.

The type species was "Avipes dillstedtianus". It was originally classified as a coelurosaur or a ceratosaur and was redescribed as an indeterminate archosaur by Rauhut and Hungerbuhler in 2000.

Estimates of height (40 cm), length (1 metre) and weight (10 kg) are, at best, guesses.


* [http://www.dinoruss.com/de_4/5a7f304.htm "Avipes"]
* [http://dml.cmnh.org/2001May/msg00024.html Information on "Avipes"]

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