- Kondo effect
According to the Kondo effect, the
electrical resistance will diverge as the temperature approaches 0 K. The temperature dependence of the resistance including the Kondo effect is written as:ho(T) = ho_0 + aT^2 + c_m lnfrac{mu}{T} + bT^5,
where ho_0 is the residual resistance, aT^2 shows the contribution from the Fermi liquid properties, and the term bT^5 is from the lattice vibrations.
Jun Kondo has derived the third term of the logarithmic dependence.Later calculations refined this result to produce a finite resistivity but retained the feature of a resistance minimum at a non-zero temperature. One defines the Kondo temperature as the energy scale limiting the validity of the Kondo results. TheAnderson model and accompanyingrenormalization theory was an important contribution to understanding the underlying physics of the problem.The Kondo effect is the first known example of
asymptotic freedom in physics, in which the coupling becomes non-perturbatively strong at low temperatures/low energies. In the Kondo problem, this refers to the interaction between the localized magnetic impurities and the itinerant electrons. In a more complex form,asymptotic freedom underlies the theory ofquantum chromodynamics , or the so-calledstrong nuclear force so thatquarks , the fundamental constituents of nuclear matter, interact weakly at high energies and strongly at low energies, preventing the unbinding ofbaryons (fermions likeprotons orneutrons with three quarks) ormesons (bosons likepions with two quarks), the composite particles of nuclear matter. For this discovery,Frank Wilczek ,David Gross , andDavid Politzer shared the 2004 Nobel Prize in physics.Extended to a lattice of "magnetic impurities", the Kondo effect is believed to underly the formation of "heavy fermions" in intermetallic compounds based especially upon rare earth elements like
cerium ,praseodymium , andytterbium , and actinide elements likeuranium . In these materials, the nonperturbative growth of the interaction leads to quasi-electrons with masses up to thousands of times the free electron mass, ie, the electrons are dramatically slowed by the interactions. In a number of instances they actually aresuperconductors . More recently, it is believed that a manifestation of the Kondo effect is necessary for understanding the unusual metallic delta-phase ofplutonium .External links
* [http://www.aist.go.jp/aist_j/information/emeritus_advisor/index.html Jun Kondo's web page] - follow links in English, other parts are written in Japanese
* [http://www.ipap.jp/jpsj/announcement/announce2004Dec.htm Kondo Effect - 40 Years after the Discovery] - special issue of the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
* "The Kondo Problem to Heavy Fermions" - Monograph on the Kondo effect by A.C. Hewson (ISBN 0-521-59947-4)
* "Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals" - Monograph on newer versions of the Kondo effect in non-magnetic contexts especially (ISBN 0-7484-0889-4)
* [http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v410/n6830/abs/410793a0.html "Correlated electrons in delta-plutonium within a dynamical mean-field picture"] , Nature 410, 793 (2001). Nature article exploring the links of the Kondo effect and plutonium
* [http://xstructure.inr.ac.ru/x-bin/theme2.py?arxiv=cond-mat&level=2&index1=35 Kondo effect on arxiv.org]
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