baron and feme — Law, husband and wife … Dictionary of difficult words
baron et feme — /baersn ey fern/ Man and woman; husband and wife. A wife being under the protection and influence of her baron, lord, or husband, is styled a feme covert (foemina viro cooperta), and her state of marriage is called her coverture … Black's law dictionary
baron et feme — /baersn ey fern/ Man and woman; husband and wife. A wife being under the protection and influence of her baron, lord, or husband, is styled a feme covert (foemina viro cooperta), and her state of marriage is called her coverture … Black's law dictionary
baron et feme — Husband and wife … Ballentine's law dictionary
Baron — Bar on, n. [OE. baron, barun, OF. baron, accus. of ber, F. baron, prob. fr. OHG. baro (not found) bearer, akin to E. bear to support; cf. O. Frisian bere, LL. baro, It. barone, Sp. varon. From the meaning bearer (of burdens) seem to have come the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Baron of beef — Baron Bar on, n. [OE. baron, barun, OF. baron, accus. of ber, F. baron, prob. fr. OHG. baro (not found) bearer, akin to E. bear to support; cf. O. Frisian bere, LL. baro, It. barone, Sp. varon. From the meaning bearer (of burdens) seem to have… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
baron — /babrsn/ A lord or nobleman; the most general title of nobility in England. 1 Bl.Comm. 398, 399. A particular degree or title of nobility, next to a viscount. The lowest title in Great Britain. A judge of the court of exchequer. 3 Bl.Comm. 44. A… … Black's law dictionary
baron — /babrsn/ A lord or nobleman; the most general title of nobility in England. 1 Bl.Comm. 398, 399. A particular degree or title of nobility, next to a viscount. The lowest title in Great Britain. A judge of the court of exchequer. 3 Bl.Comm. 44. A… … Black's law dictionary
Barons of the Cinque Ports — Baron Bar on, n. [OE. baron, barun, OF. baron, accus. of ber, F. baron, prob. fr. OHG. baro (not found) bearer, akin to E. bear to support; cf. O. Frisian bere, LL. baro, It. barone, Sp. varon. From the meaning bearer (of burdens) seem to have… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Barons of the exchequer — Baron Bar on, n. [OE. baron, barun, OF. baron, accus. of ber, F. baron, prob. fr. OHG. baro (not found) bearer, akin to E. bear to support; cf. O. Frisian bere, LL. baro, It. barone, Sp. varon. From the meaning bearer (of burdens) seem to have… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English