1920 in science

1920 in science

The year 1920 in science and technology involved some significant events, listed below.


* Andrew Douglass proposes dendrochronology dating.


* Milutin Milankovic proposes that long term climatic cycles may be due to changes in the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit and changes in the Earth's obliquity.


* Megh Nad Saha states his ionization equation
* Albert Einstein delivers his [http://www.spaceandmotion.com/Physics-Albert-Einstein-Leiden-1920.htm Leiden Lecture]
* Ernest Rutherford predicts the existence of the neutron.
* Arthur Eddington's observation of a total eclipse of the Sun seems to confirm the "bending of light" in Einstein's theory of Special Relativity.
*James Jeans discovers that the dynamical constants of motion determine the distribution function for a system of particles.


* The first transatlantic two-way radio broadcast is made.
* First domestic radio sets come to stores in USA – Westinghouse radio costs $10


* January 2 - Isaac Asimov (d. 1992), author.
* January 6 - John Maynard Smith (d. 2004), evolutionary biologist and geneticist.
* February 7 - An Wang (d. 1990), computer designer.


* February 20 - Robert Peary (b. 1856), American polar explorer.
* June 14 - Max Weber (b. 1864), sociologist.
* August 31 - Wilhelm Wundt (b. 1832), physiologist and psychologist.

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