

Phut or Put (Hebrew: פוט Unicode|"pûṭ"; Septuagint Greek Φουδ "Phoud") is the third son of Ham (one of the sons of Noah), in the biblical Table of Nations (Genesis 10:6; cf. 1 Chronicles 1:8).

Five other biblical verses refer to the descendants of Put, where they are consistently noted to be warriors. In three cases, they are described as being supporters of Egypt, along with Kush (biblical Cush).

Put (or Phut) is consistently associated with Libya. Josephus writes: "Phut also was the founder of Libya to the south, and called the inhabitants Phutites, from himself" (AotJ Book 1:6/2). The Libya mentioned is not identical to the modern day country of Libya. This is likewise indicated in the biblical account where it is said that "Put and the Libyans" were the helpers of Egypt (Nahum 3:9). The Septuagint and Vulgate substitute "Libya" in Ezekiel 27:10, 38:5, where the Hebrew Bible refers to "Put".

The Persian historian Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (c. 915) recounts a tradition that the wife of Put was named Bakht, a daughter of Batawil son of Tiras, and that she bore him the "Copts".

Ancient Egyptian texts dating back as far as the 22nd dynasty, refer to the tribe of "pỉdw" and as far back as the 5th dynasty there are records attesting to expeditions made to the Land of Punt, while a Ptolemaic text from Edfu refers to the Unicode|"t3 n n3 pỉt.w" "the land of the Pitu(-people)". The word was later written in Demotic as "pỉt" and "paiat" in Coptic. Greek language texts from Graeco-Roman Egypt also refer to this Libyan group.Fact|date=March 2007

A multilingual stela from al-Kabrīt, dating to the reign of Darius I refers to the Put as the "putiya" (Old Persian) and Unicode|"puṭa" (Neo-Babylonian), but the equivalent text written in Egyptian has Unicode|"t3 ṯmḥw" "Libya".


*Baker, David W. 1992. "Put". In "The Anchor Bible Dictionary", edited by David Noel Freedman. Vol. 5 of 6 vols. New York: Doubleday. 560
*Graefe, Erhart. 1975. "Der libysche Stammesname "p(j)d(j)/pjt" im spätzeitlichen Onomastikon." "Enchoria: Zeitschrift für Demotistik und Koptologie" 5:13–17.

ee also

*Ancient Libya

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