
The placement of the hook on the capital unicode|Ƴ

The original Unicode charts showed the hook on the left, while most use in Africa had it on the right, as reflected in the 1978 African reference alphabet. The Unicode usage apparently followed that shown in ISO 6438, but it is not clear where the latter got it. The form used in the code charts was changed recently to show the hook on the right side. [cite web
url = http://unicode.org/versions/Unicode4.1.0/erratafixed.html | title = Errata Fixed in Unicode 4.1.0
date = 2004-11-15
accessdate = 2008-06-16
] [cite web
url = http://unicode.org/consortium/utc-minutes/UTC-101-200411.html | title = Approved Minutes of the UTC 101 / L2 198 Joint Meeting
date = 2004-11-15
accessdate = 2008-06-16

Alternative representations

An alternative representation of the sound is unicode|ʼy. This is used in the orthographies of Hausa and Fula in Nigeria, while unicode|ƴ is used in Niger for Hausa, and in most of West Africa for Fula. See also: Pan-Nigerian Alphabet

In the orthography for languages of Guinea (pre-1985), yh was used instead of unicode|ƴ.

ee also

*unicode|Ɓ ɓ
*unicode|Ƈ ƈ
*unicode|Ɗ ɗ
*unicode|Ɠ ɠ
*unicode|Ƙ ƙ
*unicode|Ƥ ƥ
*unicode|Ƭ ƭ



* [http://www.bisharat.net/Documents/Niamey78annex.htm "African Reference Alphabet" (Niamey 1978)]
* [http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0180.pdf "Latin Extended B: Range 0180-024F" (Unicode code chart)]
* [http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_id=HooktopYVariants "Variants for Hooktop Y (U+01B3 and U+01B4)" (SIL, NRSI)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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