- Dhanbidhoo Loamaafaanu
Dhanbidhoo Loamaafaanu is the third oldest writing in
Mahl language .ee also
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Dhanbidhoo Loamaafaanu is the third oldest writing in
ee also
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Lōmāfānu — or Loamaafaanu, also known by the Sanskrit name Sasanam , are Maldivian texts in the form of copper plates on which inscriptions have been added. The oldest of these plates dates from the twelfth century AD.Many Old Maldivian historical texts are … Wikipedia
Laamu Atoll — Atoll Summary Administrative name Laamu Atoll Atoll name … Wikipedia
Haddhunmathi Atoll — MaldiveAtoll ImageExists=Yes atoll admin name=Laamu Atoll atoll name=Haddhunmathi location=2° 08 N and 1° 47 N letter=O abbreviation=L (ލ) capital=Fonadhoo population=14313 noofislands=82 inhabited islands=12 atoll chief= Mohamed Naeem… … Wikipedia