Johann Georg

Johann Georg

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Johann Georg

gender = Male
meaning =
region =Germanic
origin =
related names = Johan George
footnotes =
The German given name Johann Georg, or its variant spellings, may refer to:

John George

*John George, Elector of Brandenburg (1525-1598)
*John George I, Elector of Saxony (1585-1656)
*John George II, Elector of Saxony (1613-1680)
*John George III, Elector of Saxony (1647-1691)
*John George IV, Elector of Saxony (1668-1694)

Johann Georg

* Johann Georg Abicht (1672 - 1740), German Lutheran theologian
* Johann Georg Albrechtsberger (1736 - 1809), Austrian musician
* Johann Georg Baiter (1801 - 1877), Swiss philologist and textual critic
* Johann-Georg Bendl ((before 1620 - 1680), Baroque sculptor mainly at work in Prague
* Johann Georg Bergmüller (1688 – 1762), Bavarian, painter, particularly of frescoes of the Baroque
* Johann Georg Bodmer (1786 – 1864), Swiss inventor
* Johann Georg, Chevalier de Saxe (1704 - 1774), Saxonian General and Governor of Dresden
* Johann Georg Christian Lehmann (1792 – 1860), German botanist
* Johann Georg, Duke of Saxe-Weissenfels (1677 - 1712), duke of Saxe-Weissenfels-Querfurt and a member of the House of Wettin
* Johann Georg Estor (1699 - 1773), German theorist of public law, historian and book collector
* Johann Georg Faust (1466? – c. 1540), itinerant alchemist, astrologer and magician of the German Renaissance
* Johann Georg Fischer (1816 - 1897), German poet and playwright
* Johann Georg Gichtel (1638 - 1710), German mystic
* Johann Georg Gmelin (1709 - 1755), German naturalist, botanist and geographer
* Johann Georg Graevius (1632 - 1703), German classical scholar and critic
* Johann Georg Grasel (1790 - 1818), leader of a robber's gang, his name is used in Czech language as common term for rascal or villain
* Johann Georg Hagen (1847 – 1930), German astronomer and Catholic priest
* Johann Georg Hamann (1730 - 1788),philosopher of the German (Counter-)Enlightenment
* Johann Georg Heine (1771 – 1838), German orthopedic mechanic and physician
* Johann Georg Hiedler (1792–1857), German, considered the officially accepted grandfather of Adolf Hitler by the Third Reich
* Johann Georg Jacobi (1740 - 1814), German poet
* Johann Georg Krünitz (1728 - 1796), German encyclopedist
* Johann Georg Palitzsch (1723 – 1788), German astronomer
* Johann Georg Pisendel (1687 - 1755), German Baroque musician, violinist and composer
* Johann Georg Repsold (1770 – 1830), German astronomer
* Johann Georg Ritter von Zimmermann
* Johann Georg Specht (1728 - 1795), Swiss philosophical writer and physician
* Johann Georg Sulzer (1720 - 1779), Swiss professor of mathematics, who later on moved on to the field of electricity
* Johann Georg Tralles (1763 – 1822), German mathematician and physicist
* Johann Georg von Eckhart (1664 - 1730), German historian
* Johann Georg von Hahn (1811 - 1869), Austrian diplomat, philologist and specialist in Albanian history, language and culture
* Johann Georg von Soldner (1776 - 1833), German physicist, mathematician and astronomer
* Johann Georg Wagler (1800 - 1832), German herpetologist
* Johann Georg Walch (1693 - 1775), German theologian
* Johann Georg Wirsung (1589 - 1643), German anatomist

Johann George

* Johann George Moeresius
* Johann George Tromlitz

ee also

* Johan
* Johann

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