

Ubercode is a high level platform-sharing programming language designed by [http://www.ubercode.com/ Ubercode Software] and released in 2005 for Microsoft Windows. Ubercode is influenced by the Eiffel and BASIC. It has the following design goals:

#"Compilable language" - compiled into Windows EXE files.
#"Automatic memory management" - memory is allocated / freed automatically, and the language has no memory management primitives.
#"Pre and post conditions" - these are run-time assertions which are attached to function declarations, as in Eiffel.
#"High-level data types" - resizable arrays, lists and tables may contain arbitrary components.
#"Integrated file handling" - primitives for transparent handling of text, binary, CSV, XML and dBase files.
#"Ease of use" - language structure is relatively simple, making the language accessible to beginners.

Hello World

Here is the basic Hello world program:

Ubercode 1 class Hello

public function main() code call Msgbox("Hello", "Hello World!") end function

end class

Preconditions and Postconditions

Here is an example using pre- and postconditions. In the example, the "IntToStr" function validates its input as a string before converting it to an integer:

Ubercode 1 class PrePost

function IntToStr(in mystr:string [*] out value:integer) precond IsDigitStr(mystr) code call Val(mystr, value) end function

public function main() code call Msgbox("OOP example", "IntToStr(10) = " + IntToStr("10")) end function

end class

External links

* http://www.ubercode.com/ - Ubercode Software
** [http://www.ubercode.com/downloads/Ubercode-language-report.pdf Language report] - PDF copy of Language Reference Manual
* http://isbndb.com/d/book/design_of_very_high_level_computer_languages.html - VHLL principles

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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